
Responses from audioquest4life

Benz LPS Sounds Bad, Very Bad at 45 RPM
I believe you might be experiencing some VTA or tracking force issue, related to the thicker 45RPM LP's. My first Benz seemed to be senstitive to the changes of LP thickness. I remember reading about Fremer's DIY trick about changing VTF when usin... 
Silver Breeze or Purist Audio Venustas phono cable
@ Zenieth,What did you find that the Tyr does better than the Silver Breeze? The Silver Breeze is a great cable and is leagues above many other cables out there. I am debating a higher quality interconnect between the phono amp to preamp. I am usi... 
Nordost Frey vs Audience Au24e interconnect
Did you decide which one of these, Audience or Nordost, you prefer for long time listening versus just casual listening? Which do you prefer for listening the majority of the time? I am split down the middle on getting some cables from my phono pr... 
Revel Ultima Salon 2's vs B&W 802d's
I think a more truthful comparison should have been made with the same amps; "and the Revel Ultima Salon 2's...the B and w were powered by recommended Classe power amp; revel's I think by Parasound", or ML as you later described. These are vastly ... 
OTL Tube Amp for Maggie 3.6?
Ooops. Okay, 6k and 6 figures are vastly different meanings regarding spending money. Heck, if I had enough money to splurge on a beefy OTL, I would be tempted to evaluate the MA2 or MA3 with my B&W 800'. Perhaps one day when we return to the ... 
OTL Tube Amp for Maggie 3.6?
If you are trying to stay below 6K, then perhaps you may need to change your mindset of using OTL's with a pair of Maggie 3.6's. For a beefy enough OTL to create the dynamic swings, and loudness to make these particular speakers sing and swing, I ... 
KT-88's better than EH ...
I have used several KT88's over the years. It seems as if every time, I go back to the EH or the Svetlana Winged C's as my defaults. The GLKT88's, though highly praised, and a costlier alternative to the EH's, seem middle of the road in my system,... 
SME V and Benz LP-S
@ Kmccarty, Yes, I do use the damping with the SME V. I have been using the silicon damping fluid every since I purchased the SME V. I keep it about 1/3 to 1/2 full. I have only had to refill it one time since I have owned it, about 4 years now. I... 
Best tube mono blocks under $15,000?
I highly recommend that you give the Octave MRE 130's a listen in that price range. You might be able to be find them at dealers for an introductory price as they are just now being carried. 
Tonearm cable recommendations...
The Silver Breeze is a great phono cable investment for the price, especially, if you want to upgrade to something without breaking the bank, relatively speaking. I have had great audio results with the Silver Breeze. In addition, I know that if I... 
SME V and Benz LP-S
Hi, I am Audioquest4life. I am using that exact combination. I first had the Benz-LP then upgraded to the LP-S. Weight of the newer LP-S cartridge is not a problem with my SME V arm. I was able to balance the Benz LP-S with the SME V without a hit... 
aesthetix IO owners: How long do your tubes last?
The first time I did some tube rolling in the Aesthetix IO Sig, was when I started to hear a tube or so making some noise. I isolated the culprit or culprits, the V1 and V2 stages. At the time I tried various tubes in all three gain stages. I fina... 
Your favourite cartridge
Benz LP-S. It has been by far one of the best upgrades I have made to my system in a long time. Excellant tracking, wide soundstage and explosive dynamics when called for. The sound of cymbals, trumpets and drums are perfect. Voices are hauntingly... 
MC loading at 47K
I agree with Frogman. The loading values for an MC are listener and system dependant, however, it has been my experience, especially with the Benz LP and LPS, that wide open at 47K sounded best. Loading at 1000 seemed best for me while the MC was ... 
Brinkmann Bardo vs Transrotor Fat Bob Reference
Hi Melbguy, You are quite welcome. I think you made a wise choice for yourself based on many factors. I have never ever considered the TR TMD or belt drive system a hindrance to the sound and quality of the music. It is just astounding; take for e...