Responses from audition__audio
You don't lack bass, you have too much treble I am not so sure I agree with the premise of the OP. entirely. No doubt the room is hugely important and intelligent use of treatments is paramount, but I dont hear room problems in terms of balance. Mids and highs do nothing to add to or detract ... | |
Acceptable to ask seller for option to return a component? stereo5 gives an example of why it is dangerous to accept returns. Yet another example of the 1%, probably 2% now, that ruin things for everyone. Over the last 25 years, I have had a few buyers want to return vacuum tubes because they didnt like t... | |
Let the best be your guide I dont try to "fix" any recording. I accept the imperfections. Any system that makes everything sound good is a colored system. | |
Bananas rule, spades drool. End of discussion. Just the opposite for me. I prefer spades. | |
Kids, Dogs, and Speakers The last few shows attended, I have been disappointed with some of the more exotic tweeters designs I have heard. Now this could be the room and other factors, but I always prefer the sound of soft domes in any environment. | |
What qualities stand out in really good solid state preamps? I think it more advisable to feed your S.S. amp with a tubed preamp and in my experience this seems more common. Very few if any disadvantages to tubed small signal devices versus tube amps which need to be matched more closely with speakers. Espe... | |
What qualities stand out in really good solid state preamps? They are typically very quiet. Neutrality but not at the expense of texture and proper color. Most S.S. preamps I have heard dont get as many things right as the more neutral/linear leaning tubed models. Perhaps oversimplification would be a good ... | |
Aries-Cerat Helene Review To me this is the face of this company in North America and I just cant get around it. Make no mistake this is on me. Now if I could buy directly from the company this might change things. It is simply not enough to have the best or one of the bes... | |
Aries-Cerat Helene Review The problem I have with Aries Cerat is the gushing regarding this product to me by the importer out of Canada. No line is that much better than everything else! | |
He spent his life building a $1 million stereo. The real cost was unfathomable. Correct me if I am wrong but there is only one person who had actually met this man. Believe none of what you read and half of what you see. As if there are no disgruntled children with an axe to grind. Judgment is part of life and it helps us d... | |
He spent his life building a $1 million stereo. The real cost was unfathomable. If it wasnt audio it would have been something else. Nature of the beast. I say good on him if the journey made him happy. Did any of you ever think that the story contained exaggerated elements for effect? | |
Impressions of the JBL L100 Classics? I have spent significant time with vintage L100 Century speakers and think they are one of the worst speakers I have ever heard. I certainly hope that the modern equivalents are better. My guess is that they are. | |
Sherwood S-5500 II tubed integrated amp 7868 | |
"Audiophile" Power Cables: The Greatest Audio Conspiracy Theory of All Time? Personally I have never used a conditioner that didnt, at best, take me one step forward and one back. The best I have used seemed to quiet things a bit, but have diminished tonal complexity and texture. I found this true especially with my amps. ... | |
Can we contribute I would like negative words like hate, sucks, etc. Save us all from having to read between the lines. |