
Responses from auxinput

Madrigal Proceed PAV Schematics
Yeah, he is probably right.  It is most likely the capacitors that need to be replaced, but it could very well be something else. 
A/V Processor and Amp for B&W speakers?
The Marantz processors are quite excellent, especially for the money you spend. It definitely is a "mass market" item, but it's engineered well with excellent power supplies and analog circuits.  It's also the only "consumer level" item with discr... 
Please suggest a really cheap SPDIF coaxial BNC cable for testing if my DAC is working
just try an interconnect to see if the sig\aanl is coming through He needs BNC connectors on the cable, so interconnect won't work. 
Madrigal Proceed PAV Schematics
You may not have any control over what choice of capacitors they use in the PAV.  I know some of these older equipment used specific brands/models of capacitors to get a certain sonic signature.  If they are just a hi-fi / music repair shop, they ... 
how to set up good home theater sound (and picture)
If you are using a "FIOS TV One" box, it is likely that you can upgrade that external wall-wart switching power adapter to a linear power supply. Just make sure you figure out the exact size of the DC plug and the voltage used (such as 5V or 12V o... 
Madrigal Proceed PAV Schematics
Are you planning on doing the re-cap yourself?  Or having somebody do it? 
Madrigal Proceed PAV Schematics
Wow, this PAV is from 1995!!   When stuff gets this old, it's very typical for the electrolytic caps to have dried up and will not contain capacitance charge.  This, in turn, will not hold that relay on.  You want somebody to replace those caps.  ... 
Surround setup problem
That's awsome!  Thanks for letting us know. What kind of HDMI cable are you using?  If you are using stuff at the Ayre/Bryston level, then the HDMI cable from the Ayre source can definitely impact sound quality.   
how to set up good home theater sound (and picture)
I actually have quite a bit of respect for Marantz processors.  They are the only "consumer level" processors that have a discrete analog output stage.  Excellent power supplies.  It provides a very refined and full sound with lots of impact.  Tha... 
YouTube video music
cleeds - if you scroll back and read carefully, you will see that I never said anything good about "streaming from AppleTV".  That comment was from emergingsoul.My statements have always indicated a computer with full operating system and web brow... 
YouTube video music
Ah, no.  The AppleTV youtube app suffers the same lossy / compressed / low quality audio just like the Roku / AmazonFire / Nvidia streamers.  The video quality on these is also crap.  Anything that uses the GooglePlay Youtube streaming app is very... 
Convert USB to SPDIF
I'm running from Windows 10 laptop to Schiit Wyrd( decrapifier) then in Project box S2. Will converting usb to spiff always sound better? There may be a cheaper way to improve your sound.  Replace your wall-wart power supply on the Project Bo... 
Convert USB to SPDIF
Ok, the proverbial dumb question, I'm reading this post and others, my question. is it always advised to convert USB to Spdif? I'm running from Windows 10 laptop to Schiit Wyrd( decrapifier) then in Project box S2. Will converting usb to spi... 
Surround setup problem
millercarbon is forever on a crusade to ban and kill any sort of HT multi-channel system, so if you want to remove any possibility of center channel dialogue or surround channels, by all means follow his advice.It seems like there is a problem eit... 
YouTube video music
last night, hopping about YouTube, favorite/familiar music videos, Google Chrome browser beat Firefox slightly, the reverse of the prior night’s slight advantage to Firefox. Sorry, no clues. Things may have changed in the last couple of years...