
Responses from avanti1960

Are Preamplifier’s Relevant Today or just a Hinderance with Digital Playback ?
@georgehifi,we will have to disagree on that front.  my ears tell me otherwise and it isn't close.   
Are Preamplifier’s Relevant Today or just a Hinderance with Digital Playback ?
it takes a heck of a DAC to have an analog section capable of robust drive and dynamics that a good preamp brings to the table- if you are plugging directly into a power amp and not an integrated.  i need a preamp because I need tubes and that is ... 
Phono Stage, Cartridge, DeGritter...which one first?
do you have spacers under the P6 tonearm to level and optimize the VTA of the Hana cartridge?  
Possible cause of harsh mids?
try backing off on the phono preamp gain..... 
Is the appeal to euphonic distortion learned?
i do not see it being so complicated.  you either love the sound of the music or you do not.  when i first heard a sweet sounding Raven Audio tube amp Ioved the sound so much i bought it on the spot.  no learning involved.  imho learning would mea... 
SLP-05 and MC-275
i have heard that MAC amp on a few occasions and never liked what I heard.  I do have the Cary SLP 05 and love the sound driving my Parasound a21+ solid state amp with Harbeth speakers.  the combo does it all, tube warmth yet excellent transparenc... 
Raven Audio Nighthawk
When auditioning a Raven amp be aware of tube and amplifier burn in.  At least 100 hours.  Also that NOS tubes like Amperex, RCA and Mullard can literally transform the sound to a much higher level of unheard of transparency and refinement and sou... 
Raven Audio Nighthawk
I owned a nighthawk and then a blackhawk.  seriously good sounding amps but this is when they were offering premium nos svet power tubes and mullard, rca, amperex small signal tubes.  i have not heard the latest stock tube configurations but nos p... 
Preamp recommendation; ≤ $5k
cary audio slp 98, very nice.  rogue audio rh5 linestage headphone ampcary slp 05 used is awesome 
Tube Rolling Woes
recently swapping tubes on a 6SN7 based preamp, my first one.  i ran into some similar noise and quality issues and have learned some lessons.  *the older tubes have had the most issues regardless of noise testing or where purchased.  the oldest t... 
Low gain preamp options
look at the rogue audio RH 5 linestage headphone amp.  front panel adjustable gain toggles of 3, 12 and 16db.  sounds transparent and very dynamic.  love the sound.https://www.stereophile.com/content/rogue-audio-rh-5-preamplifier-headphone-amplifier 
Ideas For A Beefy Solid State Amp For Subwoofer Duties
why not get 4 subwoofer plate amps and build small enclosures?  parts express has a 500w amp for 325https://www.parts-express.com/Dayton-Audio-SPA500-500W-Subwoofer-Plate-Amplifier-300-807?gclid=EAIaI... 
Tube pre w/ HT bypass?
cary audio slp 98.  very nice.   
Phono Cartridge for $1,000.
AT ART9XI. Nothing comes close at this price. 
Which to upgrade first: Turntable or Phono Preamp
Technics 1200GR. You won’t believe how much better your system will sound.Next would be phono preamp. The sweet spot of the preamp world is the Lehmann Black Cube SE II, clean, dynamic and a huge upgrade from your Vincent. Outboard linear power su...