

Responses from bdp24

Which phono preamps among these three?
A used VTPH-2 just became available on AudiogoN last (Sunday 6-7) night. 
Any Herron VTPH-2 Phono Stage Owners out there?
Well, here's your chance. There is a VTPH-2 just listed on AudiogoN tonight (Sunday, 6-7) for $2500. 
Planars/ Electrostats benefits over box speakers?
At last weekend's T.H.E. Show in Irvine I took a good listen to the new Maggie .7, and to an ESL I hadn't before heard---a Sanders. I liked them both a lot, the Sanders a real lot. And a huge difference between a panel and a box speaker was reinfo... 
Ayre with Wilson
Give Brian Berdan (Brooks' son) a call at his new shop in Pasadena, Audio Elements. He is both an Ayre and Wilson dealer, and has lots of experience setting up systems with that pairing. 
Your three favorite audio dealerships?
Taters, have you visited Brian Berdan's shop in Pasadena, Audio Elements, yet? He was trained by Brooks (his Pa) his whole life, and took many of the BB Ltd. accounts (Wilson, VTL) with him to his new place. 
Comparing SACD sound to High Res
Email Barry Diament---he does pro recording in lots of sampling rates. 
mapleshade ic's...
I find many of Pierre's ideas ridiculous. Bookshelf sized speakers a couple of inches off the floor on his maple "stands"? Only if your favorite seats in the auditorium are in the rafters! 
Sound Lab vs Magnepan 20.7
Clio, Modjeski is very familiar with the 57's, and makes custom amps. Give him a call (he's up in Oakland/Berkeley now, not Santa Barbara), and see what he says about making you a direct-drive OTL for your 57's. Then let us know what he says---I h... 
Small Sub, NHT Sub 8 or Velodyne MiniVee
The LS50's are good enough for which to get a great sub, not just an okay one. The Sub 8 is fine for a pair of Super Zero's (which I also have), but the LS50's rate something like a Rythmik F12 ($899). 
What is the best OTL out there?
I haven't heard Roger Modjeski's OTL's, but his transformer-coupled amps sure are good. Plus with the way he runs his tubes so conservatively, his OTL amps are likely to need less maintenance than other OTL's, which can be pretty expensive to keep... 
Any Herron VTPH-2 Phono Stage Owners out there?
Think about what Keith Herron did in my case: He took a used pre-amp that was discontinued ten years ago and reengineered it to meet my specific and unusual needs. Knowing I would want as much headroom as his design was capable of, and that I woul... 
Bob Weir documentary on Netflix
Okay, upon reflection, I take your (plural) point and admit to deserving it. How embarrassing! But lemme 'splain: I was actually startled to see the sentiment of not being a huge fan of The Band in print. Where I come from, The Band are so signifi... 
Bob Weir documentary on Netflix
The Band were the antidote to all the crappy hippie bands and psychedelic hogwash and excess of the late 60's/early 70's. 
Sound Lab vs Magnepan 20.7
True Ralph, but most serious junkies use a specific amp with a specific speaker anyway. Change one and you most likely will have to change the other. When an engineer designs a speaker/amplifier combination, he can tailor each to the other. 
Any Herron VTPH-2 Phono Stage Owners out there?
Lew, Harvey recommended 10k to 15k resistance, and 1000pF to 1mF (!) capacitance, using .33mF himself. But every Decca was different. There was a device named the "Decade Capacitance Box" that would allow capacitance to be adjusted; with it you fo...