Responses from bdp24
Got big amp-help with 20A line and receptacle Contact any of the makers of "audiophile" grade outlets (PS Audio, Shunyata, etc.). | |
Granite surface plate A high-mass paving stone sitting on top of an under-inflated bicycle tire is another old idea (first proposed by Frank Van Alstine in the early 80's). | |
Alternative for VPI springs? I have a pair of the Sims new in a blister pack if you are interested. It would take me a while to dig them out of whichever box I put them in when I moved out of my house in '08. | |
Which Amplifier for Sonus Faber Olympica 3 Speaker Given the balance of the speakers and their impedance characteristics, look into the Music Reference RM200 tube amp. | |
will new Beatles mono lp's require a mono setup A mono cartridge is optimum, but a pre-amp's mode switch set to mono will do. | |
My 2014 California Audio Show impressions... The EAR-U.S.A. room. Jazz was being played, and the instruments just sounded more "there" than in any other room I visited. More body, less ethereal. | |
Isolation disc for speaker spikes on wood floors. Before spending more, try these, which cost only a penny apiece: pennies. | |
Computer vs CD/SACD discs It could depend on your age. At mine(64), I'm done with changing over systems. I have a CD collection of somewhere around 7,000-8,000, and I ain't ripping them into a damn computer! I still have my LP collection too, numbering around 4,000 or so. ... | |
Opinions on bang for the buck on TT & tonearm Townshend Rock 7 with Rega 303. | |
Help out there for my "lost" Bel 1001 Mk I's Mesch---Give the Tech at Brooks Berdan Ltd. in Monrovia, CA a call. Brooks was a BEL dealer, and his Tech Tom knows the amp. Tom works on Saturdays and one weekday, which one I don't remember. | |
Your favorite album cover... The Band: The Band (the brown album). The pics on the inside of the gatefold cover are great too. The best album cover, of the all-time best album, by the best rock n' roll band of them all. Three for three! Actually, it's a tie between this album... | |
Eminent Technology LFT-4 or LFT-6 Are there a pair of LFT-VI's for sale anywhere? | |
Eminent Technology LFT-4 or LFT-6 I have a pair of 8b's on order, and just nabbed a pair of IV's on eBay. Paid more than they're worth I suppose, but they are the only pair I've seen for sale. I plan on comparing the two, and trying them together and/or with a pair of Tympani IV's... | |
good preamp for dynaco mk3 monoblocks with maggies Frank Van Alstine has a great mod for the Dynaco Pas 2 & 3. | |
Trying to build dipole sub - a la Celestion 6000 I am about to build some dipole subs to mate with my ESL panels. The GR Research Open Baffle system (with Rythmik Servo-Feedback plate amp) is THE way to go. Two 12" drivers in push-pull orientation in an H-Frame produce bass with the Celestion ch... |