
Responses from beatlebum

Your Top Five for 2003
Well here is my top five (in no particular order):Jayhawks - Rainy Day Music (pure pop at it's best)Ziggy Marley - Dragonfly (Zig's coming of age record)David Sanborn - Time Again (soooooo smoooth)Perfect Circle - Thirteenth Step (hard rock at it'... 
Most achingly-beautiful music
Some may laugh at this one, but oh well! A few years ago, I think it was the Grammy Awards, Lucianno Pavorotti was to perform but became ill at the last minute. Aretha Franklin volunteered to sing the same piece of music and did so. I've never bee... 
Your Favorite, Most Outstanding Guitar Solo
The Edge's solo on "One". I love the minimal approach that he uses, but with so much feeling and attack. Also, Keith Richards' solo on "Love In Vain". 
Upgrade my Jolida on the cheap
Kck,I've gone from Rotel 1070 to Arcam CD 73T (for sale now btw) to Marantz SA 8260. While the Rotel was a good player I felt that the Arcam did everything the Rotel did but better and with alot more musicality and refinement. Now the 8260 is head... 
Maggie 1.6QR amplification questions
Well, I believe i've narrowed my choices down to Odyssey Stereo Stratus, Odyssey Stereo Stratus monoblock or the McCormack DNA 125. Any final considerations for me out there?Thanks,Tim 
Stuck in a Rut
Henry, I'm a bit younger than you but I love alot of the same era music you do. If you're looking for something recently released to look up at your local record store, check out the following:Rosanne Cash "Rules of Travel", Ryan Adams "Rock and R... 
CDP Help Rotel 1070, Sony 333 or Music Hall CD 25
You might try the MSB Link Dac III. Use your DVD player as transport with this D/A. Available at various places in your price range. 
Album which you have listened to most?
Tie between The Beatles Revolver (British Version) and The Allman Bros. - Live at the Fillmore East. 
Ageless Music?
While I would agree that 99.9% of popular music that's out today is crap, I tend to wanna be more optimistic. As far as comtemporary music that will survive the ages, I would think that's pretty hard to foresee, seeing as music is so subjective (b... 
Album of the Week - Opinion/Samples
I just picked up Bob Dylan's "Freewheelin'" in SACD stereo format. Whoa! This cd in either cd stereo or SACD is awesome sounding. Sounds like Bob's right in front of me with his guitar and harmonica just a strummin' and a singing.Let It Be "Naked"... 
DIY Speaker Upgrade?
Nothin' wrong with the speakers ta all. I was just wondering if this was a worthwhile venture. Maybe so or maybe not!Anyway, thanks to all and Happy Thanksgiving! 
Which preamp? Audible Illusions Rogue Audio ARC
I sure do like my Blue Circle Audio 21.1 with upgraded tubes. 
Album of the Week - Opinion/Samples
Hello All,Go out and buy Kathleen Edwards "Failer" cd. I first heard of Ms. Edwards on a compilation cd from Lost Highway records called "Lost and Found Vol.1" (this is a great cd in it's own right). She sings a song called "Hockey Skates" live on... 
I would have to agree with Darrylhifi's comments and views. I've had a Marantz DV 8300 universal player since last February, so I enjoy both. The lack of quality software, in either format, was frustrating at first but the selections are improving... 
Any comments on upsampling?
I ordered and received a MSB Link DAC III on Thursday and installed it in my system. I used a decent coax digital cable (Tributaries Silver)to go from the digital out on my Rotel RCD 1070 to the dac. This dac upsamples to 24/96. I adjusted the ana...