

Responses from bernardwilliams

Intermittent Left Channel Outage-- Older McIntosh System--Love my system appreciate Help!
I think the problem is your mac speaker control relay box. Try your system with out it with just two speakers.  
Has anyone heard the new Eric Alexander signature speakers the matrix LS?
Is kojack on yet.  
Breaking news! Jays Audio is moving to Texas and takes interest in McIntosh
Something stinks with his bold introduction.  
Breaking news! Jays Audio is moving to Texas and takes interest in McIntosh
This guy has always bashed mcintosh. Wonder what changed.  
Need a big favor picking a preamp
I find that the Macintosh C-12000 a great sounding pre-amp with tons of features that compete with with Dan D' Agostino  a great phono stage tube or solid state. A  great value at $16,000.  
McIntosh reference preamp C12000
On the C-12000 remote the input on the left side of the remote.  On the read out on the control unit, depress until you get to the desired input be it tube in input 2 or solid state input 4. You can label inputs as well  
McIntosh reference preamp C12000
farne230 On the C-12000 the bottom row of inputs are tubes the top row solid state. I am not sure for the MEN-220 you can only use the fixed rca out. Ask for Chuck in service at the 1-800 number at mcintosh he can help with any question.  
McIntosh reference preamp C12000
I have the C-12000 and you can switch between tube or solid state by using your remote control or switch by turning the knob on the control unit to the desired input. so far the solid state will run rings around the C-53 which is a good pre-amp as... 
Upgrade to McIntosh
The C-8 is a great value in the mcintosh line. You can also add the dac 2 which will give you arc and digital inputs. Last it sounds fantastic.  
Are mcintosh rca and xlr cables any good.
Do you know who makes there cables, I understand they are made by clear audio  
Are mcintosh rca and xlr cables any good.
Transparent Ultra cables  
Mcintosh class g amp compared to Mcintosh class ab amp
I am using the mcintosh mc-255 as a two channel amp for my mcintosh C-12000 preamp. I have two other amps a mcintosh mc-252 and a mc-2105 that has been refurbished at the factory in New York. At this time for now what amp would you use, my speaker... 
Mcintosh C-12000
I ordered the C-12000 July 6th and it was delivered last week the sixth of October. I have not listen to it yet my cables are too short. Transparent says I should have my order in a few days. So mean while I will do burn in anyone have suggestions... 
mcintosh C-53
I have a Krell KSA 200S would this amp be a good match with a mcintosh C-53 with transparent ultra speaker cables and tekton moabs.  
McIntosh MT-2 turntable
Thank you guys for the info. The mt-2 sells for five thousand is there a clear audio choice in that range that I should look into.