Responses from bigtee
Vandersteen Quatro: more comments? The Quatro's are an excellent speaker period. Tonality is spot on if you base it on what real instruments sound like. Soundstaging is pretty much as good as it gets. This is probably their #1 strength overall. Bass perfomance is not overblown but ... | |
Isolation transformer -low cost power conditioner? Look at the Richard Grey. This is pretty much what it is. A big choke. | |
Power Cord for Ayre CX-7e ???? The Richard Grey "Power Conditioner" is really not a power conditioner in the sense that Moster and others are. It is a big choke used as an isolation transformer. It will help clean up the power without imposing any limitations on it. When I had ... | |
Help amp for Vandersteen 3A sig w/ Anthem pre 2L Bob R, Go to the Vandersteen sight and read his question forum. What gives? Got me! | |
Help amp for Vandersteen 3A sig w/ Anthem pre 2L I didn't quite catch the ground thing either. Since I use the Dreadnaught, being balanced, I don't know how you would do this. I know Vandersteen has more recently backed off biamping. This was in response to a few questions on his website blog.Si... | |
Help amp for Vandersteen 3A sig w/ Anthem pre 2L I personally have had no experience with the Anthem pre so I'll reserve comment to someone else. I can say that a tube preamp seems to balance out well with a SS amp with the Vandersteen's. I used an Audible Illusions pre for years with good success. | |
Help amp for Vandersteen 3A sig w/ Anthem pre 2L At your budget point, I would suggest a McCormack amp. You could certainly squeeze a DNA 125 in there. They really do well with Vandersteen's. Vandersteen's are not as easy a drive as some suggest. The DNA series have the grunt.One of the better a... | |
Ungrounding an Amp--Any Danger? Nsgarch, So What? | |
Ungrounding an Amp--Any Danger? Neil, no, I really don't think I wondered from the original point. My post was to explain, in simple terms, why lifting a ground can be a bad thing. Wasn't that what the original poster wanted to know?You brought up in a follow up to Bob's post ab... | |
Ungrounding an Amp--Any Danger? I have to agree with Bob above. Manufacturers connect one side of a single ended interconnect to ground (except in a truly balanced system-a discussion for another day.) In a 2 wire cable with a shield, one wire and the shield will be connected (t... | |
CD player upgrade/ Arcam vs. Ayre Being as I have owned both players, I can say that the Ayre is a better machine(but not with a better transport.) However, and you'll love this, I liked the Arcam better! The Ayre has excellent resolution and all the good hifi stuff people talk ab... | |
Trying out a tube preamp Lets not overlook the Aesthetix Calypso preamp. It performs at a lofty level considering its price. Very well made of premium components and has a dynamic and lively sound while being extremely neutral for a tube preamp. Best if all your equipment... | |
Vandersteen Quattro review in Stereophile No, they don't have to be cranked up to sound good. The QuaTro's (with a single T) sound good at any level. | |
Vandersteen Quattro review in Stereophile The regular "Sock" model was reviewed. In this review, MF was impressed with the resolution and openess of the speaker bettering the sound staging, etc. of the Wilson Maxx(his reference.) I think he said he had not heard better in this area.The de... | |
Power Cord for Ayre CX-7e ???? Ayre recommends the Cardas Golden Reference or the one right under it. Ayre has an excellent power supply so I don't believe power cords will/nor should change things much. Nickt seems happy with his change but one mans change is another mans evil... |