

Responses from bigwave1

Keep light equipment from tipping up from cable weight?
Rebar chair, Home Depot, Lowe’s, Amazon about 80 cents each.   
Relaxed/Analog sounding DAC for under $10k (used or new)
Used Meitner MA3, no fatigue there.   
Balanced vs Unbalanced Digital Cables
All else being equal, u might get an additional 3 db of gain? However, if smear is an issue, maybe go shorter rca as ribbon could get up there for long lengths.   
Mary Martin Died
Wow, what a childhood memory of the one and only Peter Pan. Think she passed about 1990?   
4th of July Music
Just a friendly post about what friends and family, kids, might enjoy for the holiday. No opinions about one’s folly.     
4th of July Music
Don’t understand the direction that some of the comments arrive from but it was just a friendly inquiry for a fun afternoon. What’s goin on here? Leave it alone and just have some fun. Holy cow. Get a grip.   
Kickstarter project
I took part in 4 Kickstarters. First was the Bluetti battery hoping to get off the grid for the phono front end. Was noisy so was a bad buy, but that’s not the point. Another kitchen gadget worked out fine. Second and third starters, never saw the... 
Does it have to sound good for you to like it?
Being music driven, could listen to my favorite tunes on a transitor radio (almost).   
Does Every Track Sound Great on Your System?
Try a Charter Oaks PEQ-1. The worst recordings can be markedly improved, the best, maybe not so much if at all.   
The receiver was my intro to HiFi! What say you?
Crazy Eddie, a great bait and switcher.   
The receiver was my intro to HiFi! What say you?
Crazy Eddie     
Aurender n200, talk me out of signing on the dotted line
@pdreher  I have, had exact experience with the N200 and iPad. Tuff to connect, can’t connect, lose connection after 10-20 minutes. Reboot iPad, reboot Aurender, reboot router. Took the iPad to Apple, said everything checks out, placed a service ... 
Help with XLR ICs.
@OP, Search recent threads on AES 48 standard. If your equipment supports the standard, differences between XLR cables may not make any difference at all. Mogami Gold quad core 2534 microphone cable maybe all you need. Atmosphere has addressed thi... 
Rigid outlets for Heavy cables
I could be mistaken, but read that Sonore may have grabbed the reins? I remember mine were about a buck and made of carbon fiber.   
Rigid outlets for Heavy cables
Cablesupportplate by John Bring. Not sure if they are still around. Shunyata may make something similar. Much of the outlet strain is relieved.