Responses from bill_peloquin
McIntosh C28 preamp and MC 2505 power amp landed in my lap I have the equipment up and running now. It sounds pretty good for 50 year old HiFi equipment. There is some crackle in the switches but for the most part I am pleasantly surprised at the sound quality. I will list it on Audiogon as is for $250... | |
McIntosh C28 preamp and MC 2505 power amp landed in my lap Not a gift. He wants to sell them. But they are in my house to play with. So, they did in fact drop in my lap. I could probably buy them for less than the $1500 he is asking but I really do not need a 3rd HiFi set up. Please do not lose the poin... | |
Retirement integrated amp for a “fiscal conservative”…..Part 1: I have a plan I am also OLD, 69. But not that old. I still rock out. Yes I have tinnitus. Yes I can hear the differences in equipment. Used is always the best way to get a better system for the money. I got a big system that adds up to about $60K retail for m... | |
What were your favorite gear additions in 2024? I changed a VPI table for a Dr Feickert Volare and I am very pleased. I also added a 2nd Plinius SA102 amp that feeds my Canton Ref 3K speakers. I think I am done. | |
Moving from a stereo amp to a dual mono set up Ok I am all done. Costs for the electrician was $960. He ran 2 circuits from the box to my wall. Large wire. 20 amps available. I patched the holes and painted the wall from snaking wires down. I bought a second amp stand. Then there is the a... | |
Why Do ~You~ Still Play CDs? I have a very good system. I like the way they sound when I get a good recording. | |
Moving from a stereo amp to a dual mono set up I do not know. All I do know is the main Plinius man here in the USA told me how to do it. And I have all i can do to hook up 2 amps and not 4 of these beasts. | |
Moving from a stereo amp to a dual mono set up No, 2 separate amps. I per speaker. | |
Wilson to Tekton to ???? Time marches on. I traded the Tekton's to The Music Room. The money went towards the next speaker I grabbed. Here is my take on the Tekton's. Great speaker for Live Music. It sounds like a PA system. So, if you love live rock recording here is... | |
Moving from a stereo amp to a dual mono set up Regarding setting on the Plinius. The amp is a designed with a switch on the rear of the unit to run in Stereo, or Mono and which inputs I am using. I am using the XLR inputs. SO I move the switch to the Mono position with XLR Inputs. So my con... | |
Any regrets in selling gear? YES | |
Tonearm Mfg's mistake Great Job. I just ordered the Dr Feickert protractor. | |
Tonearm Mfg's mistake I have something on order now for the Stogi Arm I have. It could take a few weeks to get here though. Coming from the UK. | |
Tonearm Mfg's mistake I got the paper version with the table. Not good for me. | |
Suggestions for phono preamp for LOMC's I had a bunch of phono preamps. I last had a Modwright 9.0X good preamp but it cannot compete with the one I have now. My system is pretty good right now. I have the VPI Classic 1 turntable with a Unami Blue Cart. Amplification is a Plinius SA102... |