
Responses from blackstonejd

How different between B&W 804s & B&W 805s????
I have the N804 in a second system and the N802s in a reference system. I have also owned the 602 Series 3 speakers.Before I picked the N804 I auditioned the N805 in my house for about two weeks. This was many years ago. The N804 is fabulous speak... 
Do the Audio gods shine upon you?
I am willing to bet that people with hard drive based storage systems or music servers do not have any trouble at all in this area because they can "taste test" their music and find something that fits their mood and any other external factors tha... 
Next step after B&W 802D
By the way, with those speakers you really need a reference digital front end like a dCS or Esoteric before you can hear what they can really do. I would upgrade front-end components first. 
Next step after B&W 802D
Well, I would look at speakers by Wilson, Eggleston Works, and Magnepan. I would also look at the B&W Nautilus 800D. 
If hard drive betters optical digital retrieval
The new $24k Boulder basically does this, but it uses a memory buffer, not a hard drive.I expect to see more of this type of thing as solid state storage matures. 
audiophile music servers the latest products, info
The following is my opinion but it is based on pretty extensive long term empirical observation.I have told this tale many times on various forums but here it is again.My reference system includes a pair of B&W Nautilus 802 speakers, a dCS Del... 
Which headphone amp is technically superior? Help
Well, I finally got my hands on amp 2, which is the Pro-Ject Headbox SEII with the revised circuit board, and it sounds completely different from the original model. A lot more bass, punchier, quiter, and more pleasant. Also it is a capable of pro... 
New dCS Paganini system
Check out the dCS Puccinni. It is based on the Paganini stack and has the inputs that you want. The sound quality is there, provided you use uncompressed .wav files and a quality digital cable. Unfortunately, computer and hard drive based music st... 
New dCS Paganini system
This is not an easy question because the Paganini stack is not server friendly. On the old dCS stack you could easily have your cake and eat it too because the upsampler was separate from the transport and had inputs. If we were talking about the ... 
Which headphone amp is technically superior? Help
Ok, well these two amps that I have posted are revisions of the same model! Amp one is the Pro-Ject Headbox SE and Amp two is the Project Headbox SE 2.Both currently seem to be part of the project headbox line. The Headbox SE has more features in ... 
Need Audiophile Headphone Rig to Replace Sen HD590
My dealer suggested the pro-ject headbox ii, which goes for $119. Do you guys have any experience with this unit? 
Need Audiophile Headphone Rig to Replace Sen HD590
$600 max. 
Music Servers are they good?
The Squeezebox has toslink and and rca outs, and it sounds great, but it is only as good as your dac.I think the squeezebox could easily replace a 3 or 4 thousand dollar CD player, provided you are feeding a worthy dac. I use it with a dCS Delius/... 
Why Don't More People Love Audio?
Why don't more people build their own custom computers, slap gigantic heatsinks on the processors, and then tweak the bios settings to make the processor run 1000Mhz faster than it is rated for? You can you know!Why don't more people enjoy fine wi... 
Video Question: Plazma or LCD???
I saw the Kuro 50'' ELITE KURO Plasma with a resolution of 1365 x 768 next to Sony's top of the line LCD at 1080p (1920 x 1080) and the 720p Pioneer was so much better than the Sony that I couldn't believe my eyes. In fact, I went into my audio de...