
Discussions blindjim has started

High eff speakers? Sonata III, Super III, OR ???1188428
RCA to XLR - Cable adapter?44088
how do you know a bad tube?358720
Review: VooDoo Cable LLC gold Dragon III Power cord176963
Up & Over sampling Is one superior to the other?619218
VSA VR4 SR vs Totem Wind30213
Review: VooDoo Cable LLC Black Dragon II Power cord217386
Best path for PC audio into the big rig..652325
Acoustic TReatments - What, How much, & Where?1110935
Review: PS Audio UPC - 200 AC filter370465
Review: Shunyata Research New Hydra 2 - 20A AC filter370950
Is Bi - amping worth the trouble?4741385
need advice on refinishing speakers. Do's & Don'ts842416
Buying decision time, or Time for a sanity check?2436717
Boost system performance via isolation?790123