Responses from bo1972
Similar sound characteractics to MIT cables? First of all I don’t hate MIT. I sold it for over 6 years of time and I even owned it. The world is already full of hate.I didn’t say that you should not or never use it. This would be the biggest bullshit. I only said; you need to understand how ... | |
Similar sound characteractics to MIT cables? I give you an example. A client of mine owned: Wilson Audio Sasha, Audio Research 75SE, Wadia 381 and Spectral pre amp. He owned several MIT Oracle cables. He also tried the Momentum stereo poweramp.He only plays classical music and visits classic... | |
Similar sound characteractics to MIT cables? It depends when people make remarks what doesn’t make sense. Audio is all about properties. You need to understand them to use it the right way. This also counts for MIT. The best cables also depends on how you use them. Because cable brands own a... | |
Similar sound characteractics to MIT cables? The Sky was one of the weakest cables Audioquest had in the silver range. The balance of the cable was not right. The current cables are a lot better ballanced. The new techniques who uses more airtubes make them a lot better.You cannot compare MI... | |
Nordost Odin or Valhalla 2 I sold Nordost for over 9 years of time. I owned the Nordost Valhalla loudspeaker cable for 12 years of time. I also sold a lot of Valhalla in the past.You need to understand the properties of each brand to have an idea what it does.First of all e... | |
Similar sound characteractics to MIT cables? You need to understand that the properties in sound and image differ a lot between MIT and Audioquest.Beside this silver cables like Wild and Wel are a lot differrent compared to the Oracle copper cables.In the last 6 years I sold a lot Audioquest... | |
Similar sound characteractics to MIT cables? When you compare the latstest Wild en Wel cables to MIT Oracle, you will hear how big the differences are in details, height, timing and individual focus of instruments and voices.These silver cables can reveal details and also differences in heig... | |
Similar sound characteractics to MIT cables? I have done thousands of tests with cables in almost 18 years of time. The differences in stage and sound are big. They differ in stage depth and width. Also in how big instruments and voices are projected. Even in stage height there are big diffe... | |
Audio Research discontinuing lower lines components? The world of audio is changing. On the other hand time and technique go on. But on the other hand commercial interest makes audio not always better in quality and result. Audio Reseach is in hands of an investment company. They are the owners and ... | |
B&W 'New' 800 Series Dear Dave,I loved the older looks as well. I wanted to buy a set of 800D high gloss black only when the crossovers and stage depth would have been better.The first time I saw the pictures of the new D3 series, I thought I was looking at B&W 80... | |
B&W 'New' 800 Series Yesterday I had a new client who visit me. He plays with the Wilson Audio Sasha one and only plays classical music.I will phone him tonight to aks him about the differences of his set between mine to write it down overhere. He called my set; the n... | |
B&W 'New' 800 Series Dear dave,during a big concert the inyimate focus dissapears. At my friends house it was very small and direct. I love acoustic music. Like classical music with one or a few instruments. The physical intimate appearance is based on differrent part... | |
B&W 'New' 800 Series Individual focus of instruments and voices is a part of Total Sound. Black level is a different part. Decay and air is a different part as well. 3 dimensional sound means that an instrument and voice is standing physical free with air around it. A... | |
B&W 'New' 800 Series You need to understand properties of a speaker first before you can sell it. I have proven that I can outperform Avalon loudspeakers by Platinum they way I work and use audio.Tomorrow I will proof that I outperform Wilson Audio Sasha the same way.... | |
B&W 'New' 800 Series Noooo I hate too small individual focus like too big. It has to be realistic. Just as in real. I had many discussion about this for many years with different people who play in an ochestra and play an instrument as a profession. many said; this is... |