
Responses from boostedis

comparison between Teac 701t transport vs esoteric p-70 model or alike?
If it were me, I would get the Teac CD player with the DAC. Teac/Esoteric’s new DAC technology is exceptional and the VRDS 701 can serve as an excellent digital frontend. Under the hood, the Teac is almost identical to the Esoteric N-05XD Streamer... 
New remastering of Steely Dan's Katy Lied review by Fremer
@hilde I will give you the benefit of the doubt on WB because I can’t find anything official about such case, so retract my comment about that.   The question about the lyrics still stands with no proof needed other than to speculate on what th... 
New remastering of Steely Dan's Katy Lied review by Fremer
Unless it’s been covered many times, I’m shocked that NO ONE has mentioned how creepy the lyrics are on KL!! When I was younger I didn’t notice, but now I feel a little dirty whenever I listen, especially knowing Becker’s troubles with the law as ... 
MoFi Sourcepoint 888 Speakers
@tomic601  in my experience TAD are tilted up and the MoFi 888 are more balanced and neutral, so first impressions at shows and such can be a tad (pardon the pun) soft at first listen. Longer listening sessions reveal they are easier to listen to... 
Retirement integrated amp for a “fiscal conservative”…..Part 1: I have a plan
If an Integrated is your goal then regardless of what you end up with, a Hegel should be at the top of your list to audition. In your price range, no one is doing Integrates better especially if your desire is for a one-box solution.   
My Sonus Faber Amatis have weak bass even though I'm running ML 536s--800 w/ch into 4 ohms
I don’t know where you acquired your speakers, but if you bought $30K Speakers from a Dealer and they didn’t care enough to set them up for you, then you purchased from the wrong dealer! The specs of your speakers says the go down to 28Hz which is... 
soft dome versus hard dome tweeters
This question is exactly why the recent controversy about measurements matters so much! The goal of the speaker designer is a flat anechoic response and then they shape to taste from there (with the crossover, not necessarily the drivers). Most mo... 
OCD mickey website and negativity.
@hilde45  Your response is spot on! Many on here would be offend by his supposed truth-telling but the reality is that there is a LOT of snake oil being peddled out there and the truly highend has gotten so far out of hand that most have a hard t... 
What use to burn in power cords?
@jasonbourne71  EXACLY!!! What exactly are you ‘burning in’ with a cable? People are free to believe what they like, but this is beyond reason!!…  
Wilson Audio Duette / Custom Crossover Upgrade
Threads like these emphasize the importance of the DIY community in exposing what is lacking in commercial speakers! Those praising certain designers as being totally unique in their abilities (Fritz) is short-sighted at best! There are a LOT of D... 
Phono preamp, all suggestions welcome
I’ve tried a few in the under $500 range and none has been as quiet and detail oriented as the iFi Zen Phono. A $2K tube EAR is only slightly better/more engaging.   
Most recent speaker you audited in room and returned? Why did you return it?
I’ll jump on the Tekton bandwagon! I bought a pair of Lore Reference with a beryllium Satori tweeter ($500 each!) which I was familiar with because my DIY speakers use them. The Tektons were horrible!   
Hearing other appliances in dedicated line
Just having a dedicated line back to the box doesn’t guarantee much of anything. The only real way to have the line totally isolated is with a plug/receptacle that accommodates an Isolated ground tied to a separate bus bar within the panel and the... 
Blue Jeans Cable Iconoclast
There is very little science that supports the need for ultra exotic cables beyond what is explained by the Iconoclast engineer. Nothing that is manufactured In small quantities that is made well will be inexpensive, so I’m not suggesting that cab... 
New blog post: Living with Focal Speakers
@christianb5s4 You don’t have to destroy the speakers to experiment with a different Xover. Testing with an outboard xover board is pretty simple. Examining the stock boards also gives you an idea where the manufacturer cut corners (in components)...