
Responses from br3098

Lowest priced MC thats better than a Premium MM?
There are many good  "entry level" MC cartridges that sound great and are compatible with your tonearm. The Benz Ace, Hana SL or SM and the Ortofon Quintet models come to mind. I would also look at the excellent Grado Statement and Reference cartr... 
Klisch Cornwall, Audio Note UK AN-J, Auditorium 23 755
You are trying to compare three very different speakers, and you haven't told us what you like or don't like about your existing Klipsch Fortes. If you like the Forte sound then the Cornwall IVs would seem to be a no brainer - Fortes on steroids. ... 
Appropriate cartridge for Micro Seiki MA-505 tonearm
The MA-505 is a wonderful tonearm utilizing dynamic suspension. Assuming that the suspension is in good condition your tonearm will work well with a wide variety of cartridges, including the DL-103. One word of advice: more expensive doesn't neces... 
Micro Seiki ma-505 x is a low or heavy tonarm?
The MA-505 series is a dynamically balanced tonearm. It reacts completely differently than a statically balanced arm for tracking purposes. The mass is 14.5g (with the standard Micro Seiki headshell) and it was designed primarily to work with all ... 
Decware ZP3 Phono Stage Gain Issue
What cartridge are you using? The Decware phono pre will only work with an MM cartridge. You may have been using an MC cartridge with the Emotiva unit and the ZP3 can't boost the gain enough. Just a thought  
Why aren't all modern vinyl releases 45s?
Nah, 45 is barely any better than 33 1/3. Just wait a little bit. I'm working on producing high fidelity 78 RPM discs. Two and a half minutes or pure sonic bliss. They will sound so great that the rest of your system won't matter. Coming soon   ... 
5 Dumb Things Audiophiles Believes.
I think this guy is hilarious (in a good way), entertaining, interesting and so very spot on. So what if he's preaching common knowledge? Not enough audiophiles are paying attention to the basics. In terms of what he's selling, I don't know or don... 
Ortofon AS-212i
I used to sell these and I have owned one in the past. How can I help you?  
Vintage automatic turntable recommendations?
I looked for "value priced" audio components for the living room when my daughter and her family moved in with me for seven months, including an automatic turntable so my "ten thumbs" son-in-law could use it. I got lucky and found a Sony PS-X75 Bi... 
Klipsch Heresy IV vs Omega CAM
I have owned several pairs of high-efficiency horn speakers, including Klipsch Heresey IIs and IIIs as well as Omega 6 Alnicos. Both are very good but they are very, very different speakers. This is another example of you can't (ok, shouldn't) pic... 
Spring-Loaded Screw Turns Drywall Into Sound-Absorbing Panels
I hate to respond so far down a thread but this one is too silly to ignore. Screws don't absorb sound energy. Screws don't impart the ability for an underlying material to absorb sound energy. All screws can do is anchor an underlying material and... 
Excellent Speakers for Classical Music - $2,000 USD Budget
1. I will second  stevea11757's suggestion for Shahanian Obelisks. Or Hawks. Or Diapasons. You can never have too much of a good thing.2. I will disagree with the estimable atamasphere. Most speakers I have owned I felt were better with certain a... 
Headband type magnifier w/ lights for TT setup
I use headband (loupe) magnifiers with lights for some tasks, like very fine soldering and desoldering. But I don't find them useful for cartridge work for a couple of reasons:1- most headband loupes are 10x or higher. That's too high to be useful... 
A solid tube photo stage around 1500
IMO in that price range and and based on my experience:1- used K&K phono preamp. Look for one that Kevin built and not a kit.2- Croft, either the entry or middle tier model, not the 2-box version. MM only so you will need a good SUT for LOMC. 
Klipsch Forte III vs Altec 19
The Forte IIIs are nice speakers but IMO do not sound anything like a Model 19. Not to say better or worse, just very different. If you like the Model 19s why don't you just buy another pair of 19s? Or Model 14s if space is at a premium.While I pr...