

Responses from bradz

Best tube pre under 1500?
I've seen your name before...I believe you advised me on tubes for a Sigma dac once. Anyway, I'll look into the Sound Valves pre. What do you think about Rogue pre amps? 
Best tube pre under 1500?
A tubed unit either new or used. Thanks, Brad 
Rogue 66 or AES pre?
What does the rest of your system consist of? 
Rogue 66 or AES pre?
Do you own the Rogue 66 and how does it sound? 
Help with imaging
Maybe the right speaker output is more than the left. I'd call Soliloquy and ask them about it and see if they could test the output of each speaker in their facility or maybe a Radio Shack spl meter will tell you. Hope I've been of some help. 
My New Creek 4330...
The creek 4330 I use to have also made a popping sound when turned on/off. It never damaged my old Magnepan mmg's but I'd check to see if you could modify it for a soft start. 
Amplification for Maggie MG 1.6Qr s
I'm using a Odyssey Stratos amp with good results. It also has a 20 year warranty like the Brystons. 
Primare A30.1 or Odyssey/Rogue
I'm using a Odyssey Stratos amp and love it. I've never heard the Primare integrated though. Someone I sold equipment to, recommended the Rogue preamp. I personally would go with the Odyssey and Rogue Combo. Might make some magic! 
Advice from Maggie users...Please Help
There is a maggie user site (mug) at:www.sonic.net/~howl/MUG/ . You can find all your answers there! Hope this helps. Regards, Bradz 
Help with amp selection
What about the Odyssey Stratos amp? 
Amp Suggestions please...
What about a Odyssey Stratos amp with cap upgrade to 120,000 microfads? Great build quility and is 120w into 8 ohms and 260 into 4 ohms.Price is only $1100. See a review in the current Absolute Sound. Brad 
What tube for a Sigma dac?
Hey Jab, What is "those things" and which BDR cone do you recommend #3 or #4? Regards, Brad 
What tube for a Sigma dac?
Hey Jazzcatlewis, I found that my CAL brought some "life" to my system. What kind of equipment do you use? I'm seeking opinions and not bashing. Regards, Brad 
Is the Monarchy DIP effective?
Nice system Sgmlaw!Think I'll wait on the DIP and do some tube rolling. Thanks for all the responses.Bradz 
Is the Monarchy DIP effective?
Think I'll do some tube rolling with the dac. Seems like a better idea than cable swaping. I have the DeOxit by Caig that I'll try also. One more question: What does your system consist of? Thanks, Brad