
Responses from braminator

Dk MK2 owners and there tube choices.
Well I got a pair of Amperex PQ coming and a a NOS pair of Siemens E188cc. Not knowing tubes I hope I did the right thing. But now you have me concerned about this noise issue I did not know to ask. So I guess I will judge after I get them. How lo... 
DK Design VS 1 MKII or Unison Unico integrated?
I have the MK2. I am using it with my Martin Logan SL3, and I love it so far. I have stock tubes which as we speak I am buying some new Siemens or Brimars. I can not wait to hear the difference. The MK2 has a lot of power for my setup. 
Usher X719 and tubes
After reading this, I felt I would add to this. I have just received in the last week, the x-719's. Not from Bill, but another audiogoner. I have just purchased the Jolida 1501rc from Bill. I am currently breaking them in on an Onkyo Sr601 85watt ... 
Pioneer Elite Receivers
Hey Alley Cat you are right it does not weigh 63lbs, they weigh 64lbs. Dimensions (inches) W17 3/8" x H 7 3/4" x D16 6/8" Weight 64 lbs