
Responses from bruce19

Mystery Capacitor and the Tangent RS4 Crossover
@timlub Your 15 inch/1inch speaker sounds interesting, particularly coupled with the efficiency rating it sports. Have you considered selling it as a DIY kit? I was looking around and was surprised at the lack of selection of DIY speaker kits. May... 
Mystery Capacitor and the Tangent RS4 Crossover
@imhififan That is good news to hear your take on the value. The cap was somewhat damaged as I removed it from the circuit board so I was just a bit concerned about whether it would measure accurately.@timlub What kind of speakers to you build? Do... 
Mystery Capacitor and the Tangent RS4 Crossover
@I really appreciate your interest and input 
Mystery Capacitor and the Tangent RS4 Crossover
@timlub As it turns out I have gone that route with guidance from the stellar tech support man, Josh, at Madisound I bought a mix of Solen and Claritycap polypropylene caps. It is worth mentioning that Solen is made in  France and Clarity is made ... 
Mystery Capacitor and the Tangent RS4 Crossover
Great dialog timlub and imhififan. Your raising some of the questions I have been wondering about as a novice in this arena. For instance is the capacitor only important as a capacitor or do its other properties such as inductance and resistance e... 
Mystery Capacitor and the Tangent RS4 Crossover
Many Thanks for the thoughts from all of you! By way of update, I acquired a LCR meter and tested the mystery cap and all the others and now am pretty confident. Many thanks also to Josh of who was most helpful! I have made a schemat... 
Advice from anyone with Tangent RS4 speakers?
Don't know if anyone is around from this original thread but I have a pair of Tangent RS4s whose crossovers I am currently in the midst of trying to rebuild. I used to power them in the 80s with an Adcom GFA1 amp (200 watts/channel which I underst... 
Why are there so many wooden speakers?
… Aren’t violins made of wood? Guitars, pianos, Clarinets, bassoons. Why would it occur to someone to pick on wood as being on unmusical? 
What do you sit on?
@millercarbon, Is this the chair you were thinking of,,,, came across it when going though the search of old threads on this site thoughtfully ... 
Simple question, or is it...
Bravo Millercarbon!Too many of us , myself included, are afraid to recognize the miraculous in the mundane or sometimes maybe just too preoccupied with the trivial. 
Who buy PS AUDIO ?
Thanks to all of you who shared your experience with PS audio, this discussion has gone a long way to restoring my confidence in them. I have never owned any of their equipment but have been considering them among the other options for an upgrade ... 
Are you a special snowflake?
My dear snowflake we are all special. 
Fairly new to streaming. Where to start?
@artemus_5   I did not compare the two side by side. I have been told told by a knowledgeable dealer that upgrading from the Yamaha to the 2i would not be worthwhile. I am am currently looking at the microrendu or ultrarendu as a cost  effective a... 
Fairly new to streaming. Where to start?
@whatsthatbuzzI found this book, "File Based Audio" by Hans Beekhuysen answer a lot of the questions you pose. 
Fairly new to streaming. Where to start?
Artemus_5 I have not a/b'ed the Node and Yamaha but am going on the comments of others.Here is a pretty thoughtful review of the unit, in case you have not come across this; of the things I...