
Responses from cagma7

Linear Power Supply
Interesting question, I am in the exact same boat (OR de Luxe with SGC power supply and I'm looking to upgrade the PS).  1) The CIAudio IS available via Sonore at $395 2) Is it worthwhile to spend twice the money for the Sonore PS? Anybody did h... 
IFI ZEN Streamer
I also use a ZS with a 24/96 max Dac. You can do it in the Qobuz app (if you are using Qobuz) or in the Mconnect app.  
Tidal FLAC vs. Qobuz
Besides the catalog, what about the SQ (hi-res vs hi-res)? Previously I was with Tidal and I switch to Qobuz when available in Canada re SQ (note : I do not have a MQA dac and when I was with Tidal, I prefer Tidal Redbook versions to MQA versions... 
Problems with the IFI Zen Stream.. What's a better Alternative?
Very interesting dbb. Thanks a lot for the info.  
Problems with the IFI Zen Stream.. What's a better Alternative?
Great!!!  A question for my personal info (re comparison with the Ultrarendu) : Did you use a better power supply with your ZS or did you use the OEM one? Thanks...  
Dedicated line (almost)
'If the switches are 'off' there is no current flow through that section of line giving you a dedicated line'. Great. If it is the case / Mijostin is right, I will simply buy a probe to check if I have any other noise sources on my line (see the 1... 
Dedicated line (almost)
Erik : Yes I do. Until recently, I was not aware of the 'dimmer noise problem'....and I always felt my sound was better daytime (vs the evening). I thought it was due to the internet traffic (I'm not an expert as you can see) but when I read about... 
Dedicated line (almost)
Do not know exactly the length of the circuit and the gauge. The breaker is 15 amps and the house is 10 years old so it is to new standards. Think I will buy a probe to try to follow the line and know better it's length and so on    
Dedicated line (almost)
Interesting!! I was not aware that modern / smart switches are quieter. When I say I have 3 dimmers on the line, I would have say 3 smart dimmers / switches (enbrighten / Hilo one's). If these are really much quieter, I won't bother. I will try t... 
WiFi Streaming Versus An Ethernet Cable Connection
My streamer is ethernet connected to a Mesh router upstairs. In order to minimize noise, no other hardware piece is connected to this Mesh router. The main router (connected to the modem) is downstairs. It is possible to move the modem upstairs (t... 
Problems with the IFI Zen Stream.. What's a better Alternative?
I found the procedure re ZS issue / Google DNS. Like you, I am not an expert. I just follow this procedure and it solves my issues. Hope it will work for you as the ZS sounds very good for the price and you have to spend much more to... PS : A be... 
Problems with the IFI Zen Stream.. What's a better Alternative?
PS : I do not use wi-fi. All toggle are off in the app except UPNP and I use the UPNP mode on the ZS   
Problems with the IFI Zen Stream.. What's a better Alternative?
I also had a lot of drop offs with with ZS and I was almost ready to give up. Then, I found this on a ZS forum and my ZS is rock solid since (I did it 1 year ago) : Of the top of my head : 1) I Configure my router to reserve a local IP address to... 
DAC contest: Border Patrol Sei or Chord Qutest?
This is a comparaison between the two... and it mirrors my findings. This being said, both are very good.                                           i    
Border Patrol DAC tube change
VERY interesting. I will try it. Thanks a lot…