
Discussions cakids has started

Full range stand mounted speakers576849
Storage boxes. Can I discard high end shipping boxes, and still sell in the future?382251
HDMI ARC vs. toslink optical for stereo14532
Roon Nucleus vs Aurender N100H54707
No concerts, no reference10384
Network expander and AC quality14187
Goldenear Triton One.R - can it be driven with low power tube amp?813540
Primaluna EVO 400 vs. stock Cary SLP-05 preamp?45629
Brooklyn Bridge or Aurender298211
Image depth241118
High quality amplifier to speaker switch310410
Are tubes really “warm”?620939
To guard stylus or not?531815
Simple system for stay at home seniors8901
Are 500 hours too many for a used hi-end cartridge?1039352