

Responses from cakyol

Check this out.
So, the fuse ’looks like’ it is coiled wire, meaning it will introduce a small series inductance, which we do not usually want on high current drawing mains lines, unless it is the mains transformer, which actually DOES SOMETHING USEFUL. So much ... 
CD transport vs.streaming
There was a reason CD was decided to be sampled at 44.1kHz. Many many many experiments were done and it was observed that 99.9% of the people could not hear any difference above that sampling rate (the other 0.1% descended from dogs). Raising the... 
Which Tweeter preferred- dome natural material, Beryllium/Metal or Planar Ribbon? Why?
Tweeter type does not matter.  This is a very subjective area. The one which sounds the best to YOU should be the one YOU should pick for yourself.  
Your method for discovering great music.
I love smooth jazz and have a subscription to jazzradio.com, which also has very specific subtypes.  My favorite subtype is the 'smooth uptempo', to which I listen a LOT. I learned almost all the new artists and songs by listening to that station... 
Affordable vs. ultra expensive speakers - what's the difference?
The difference = a lot of money for about 2-5% improvement in sound..... The curve of diminishing returns.    
Svs, Rel, or ?.
Check out HSU research. They have excellent subs which rival REL at half the price.   
I am enjoying my analog system, but what can I do to improve?
Move to good quality digital. You will get less noise and at least another 12 - 15 db of dynamic headroom 😉 You will also get punchier bass, more precise treble and crackle free mids.   
Do good power cords have to be stiff?
Stiffness of a power cord has no effect on the sound. It only changes the mechanical characteristics and makes it easier to handle. As long as the current rating of a cable is not exceeded, the rest does not matter electrically & sonically.    
Synergistic Orange and purple fuses popping
Fuses do NOT make ANY difference to the sound. Anyone not agreeing suffers from the audiophool syndrome. There will be scandalous resistance to this comment but just take my word for it. Use UL approved, slow blow properly rated fuses which came ... 
XLR question for bass
Connectors will NOT affect the sound in any way... unless you have absolutely crappy ones to start with. Much more importantly, the Luxman has a "loudness" control. Use it :-).  It will make a great difference in the bass frequencies when listeni... 
XLR question for bass
 Xlr increases signal to noise ratio.  It will not help the bass .... or the treble for that matter. It just increases noise immunity. It does not change the signal.   
What direction should I go
Here are what you could consider in increasing price and performance but diminishing returns: - ADi2-RME - Bluesound vault 2i - Schiit Gungnir - Chord Qutest - Schiit Yggdrasil - DCS Bartok  
Vinyl Newbie - So Many Questions!
I have a Linn with a heavyish platter. I always hand start it by spinning it first. Otherwise you will soon stretch the belt.  With this assist, belt lasts almost forever.   
Do I really need an " Audio Grade Network Switch "?
Here is what this is all about, in a summary form: - Cables and switches themselves do NOT in any way affect the system. - However, the noise that they and/or their power supplies may produce, MAY affect sensitive analog circuits if they are pla... 
Do I really need an " Audio Grade Network Switch "?
@astolfor  The interface between a PHY device and the CPU are *INTERNAL* to the design of the device.  Once the signals reach the PHY and are emitted to the Ethernet wire, there is no clocking involved.  You are looking at BOARD LEVEL HARDWARE de...