

Discussions cantorgale has started

M Scaler Dave settings question21342
Second system recommendations $5K budget8885
Chord DAVE headphone amp impressions 24302
Seeking advice on high kHz annoyance in my system157720
Without snark, if possible - Syn Res vs Transparent 13863
DAVE w/ or w/out M Scaler?913224
Speaker match for Chord DAVE and D'Agostino Progression Integrated 262514
Long distance move - Trust moving company unpack365122
Chicago-area dealer recommendation 426625
Subwoofer interconnect quality question 18156
Kanta 3 positioning41139
$30K DAC in a $70K system - wise or ridiculous?910353
Slight speaker white noise from hybrid BHK 300 monos and BHK pre normal?20348
Several Chord Daves and PS Audio Direct Stream DACs on used market22891
Harbeth vs. Focal - Apples and Oranges...57688