Responses from carlsbad2
A Tale for Your Bemusement Does the machine do auto firemware updates? Even though it is not supported any longer, perhaps a sony programmer or engineer still uses it, still has rights to modify, and went in a fixed something. Jerry | |
Use escrow service to pay for speakers? I've bought well into six figures of equipment (not just audio) from individuals over the years and generally pay by wire/F-F/or other fee free method. Do your own diligence and know that you aren't dealing with a scammer. It's that easy. Of ... | |
Roon Build 1382 SQ I assume this is the latest. No degradation noted here but I do not use DSP. It would most likely apply only to those who do. Jerry | |
FYI - QOBUZ SERVICES WILL BE TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE I already know French. The only other activity of interest on the list was to skin a panda. | |
FYI - QOBUZ SERVICES WILL BE TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE I got no notification and see nothing on the website. | |
Sound Quality of Cables Used With Bluesound Node I agree. go usb. I think when I had a node (long ago) they didn't support USb and that was the only time I used coax (reluctantly, but better than optical). | |
Anthem MRX 740 8K as an upgrade to my Denon AVR-X3700H @erik_squires continuing to do some more research with your suggestion of Marantz, I'm leaning toward the Cinema 50 which seems to fit my system perfectly. If also has Dirac Live Room correction capability which should be an upgrade. Do you reco... | |
Rigid outlets for Heavy cables Should be a like function on this forum. good post Erik. | |
Rigid outlets for Heavy cables Thanks Erik. I'm planning to replace a lot of outlets in my home soon--especially the ones the cleaning lady plugs the vacuum cleaner into. and some are not very flush. Jerry | |
Speaker's amplifer minimum power recommedation Manufacturers often exaggerate this number compared to normal listening volume. They specify a minimum to get maximum volume to fill an auditorium. I know of one speaker with 96dB sensitivity that could easily be driven by a 1.5 wpc type 45 amp ... | |
Best HIFI Stores LA/Orange I'm a big fan of high sensitivity speakers. I haven't liked horns and also have been unimpressed by the single/coaxial driver full range speakers out there. High end audio stores lean strongly toward the low sensitivity speakers. I have my id... | |
Improving a stone rack springs | |
How does wood hardness affect the sound of a TT on a wood TT platform? Before I buy something I try to understand the physics behind it. | |
Customs delay from China. How long should I reasonably wait? 11 days is nothing. and your only choice is to wait. Your distributor is very kind. He must realize he has a high maintenance customer that need his hand held. |