

Responses from celander

If you still spin CD's their is a reference level Transport for reasonable money
Dr. John. Mike Powell Audio is the US distributor of the Jay’s Audio product line. At least that is where I obtained my CDT2 MK2.  
Ordered my new amp today... been a long road!
Enjoy, Capt.  
Colorado-Based Manufacturers
Lol, why the list? 
Schiit Freya plus. Is this an upgrade?
@mulveling, lol 
Schiit Freya plus. Is this an upgrade?
The Freya+ is a Thunderdome category product. It will only be produced as long as strong consumer demand exists for it. 
If you still spin CDs, this may be the cost no object best option.
If you still spin CDs, this may be the cost no object best option.
Geoff, thanks for removing that offensive post. You’re a gentleman after all.  
If you still spin CDs, this may be the cost no object best option.
Well, that’s offensive. Nice come-back. Don’t let any of it hit your face.  
If you still spin CDs, this may be the cost no object best option.
One could perceive my penultimate post as an act of self-promotion as I’m the OP. But that is not my intent.  
If you still spin CDs, this may be the cost no object best option.
I guess not every dog likes a free bone.  
If you still spin CDs, this may be the cost no object best option.
I don’t believe in self-promotion, so please consider this as a public service announcement to provide enlightenment:https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/machina-dynamica-new-dark-matter-cd-and-blu-ray-tray-treatmen... 
If you still spin CDs, this may be the cost no object best option.
Geoff wrote: “Unless a CD player has conquered the scattered light problem and the CD vibration problem it is a non starter. It's just more of the same. For that reason I'm out.”It is too bad no tweak exists to fix these issues.  
Supratek or Don Sachs - which way to go?
The system sometimes creates false error prompt messages that indicate the contributor’s post was rejected when in fact it was not. It’s happened to me more than once, which usually prompts me to resubmit the post. I recommend copying one's text a... 
New TEO Audio ICs, who has them?
@tcscata The best way is to contact Teo Audio directly via their website contact page regarding your particular cables of interest. Teo_Audio (Ken) usually responds promptly.   
Doug Schroeder Method, Double ic
essentialaudio, thanks for sharing the white paper. Interesting read.