
Responses from celtic66

Do they have passive 6 or 5 channel pre-amps
Check with Placette Audio as they do some different things with passive. 
Seeking opinion for a super duper power cord....
I've not read Ensemble yet and they do sound nice. I believe Fatwyre with its cable library is a very good idea as you will find Feng Shui in your own system. 
KS-1030 lacks bass - Any suggestions?
Hughes, I'm not convinced the bass extension is better with the Monster, simply that the perception is less given tighter bass delivered by the KS interconnect. Or maybe the KS is more polite as British gear tends to be. 
Anntenna Question
Eric, Eric.......Eric!!! KISS principle. Purchase a Magnum Dynalab for a C note and be done with this foolishness. The antenna is omnidirectional or turn it horizontal for directional. All done within the confines of your own living room. Excellen... 
why are jolidas so cheap?
Subdoofus, Previous suggestions are very good. The Audio Refinement gear is great. Tubes are lovely and they are all correct in replacing the cheap Chinese tubes with better whether they be new or New Old Stock (NOS). I've listened extensively to... 
ATC speakers, anyone heard of them?
Soul, Critically listened to the $1100/pr. for a second system and was very favorably impressed. Bit more lively than the Spendors, quick and very musical. I liked the presentation very much and am considering them. They were simply run by a $500 ... 
Best Blank Cassette Tapes
Rob, If you are serious, and the 505 is decent enough, take it to a good tech with a Maxell UDXL II or IIS cassette and have it internally tweeked for that formula. The noise floor will drop substantially, everything about the recording will be be... 
Cause of speaker static?
Rare is the system that is stone silent when running. Probably just system noise from the amplifiers and preamp. Tubes are ususally a bit noisier than SS. Unless you can hear it from 12 feet away with nothing playing, don't worry about it. Otherwi... 
FM Tuners
Electrostaticman, The Fanfare antenna guys are right. The myth about tuners is sensitivity when in fact SELECTIVITY is where it's at. The ability to tune out closely adjacent signals and listen only to the one you want. The Dynalabs are great, and... 
Is there any fun in tuner?
Marakanetz, If that's really your name..... The Magnum Dynalab suggestion is very good, however they left out one great point. The Dynalab FM whip (and I mean that in a good way), antenna. Don't be frightened by the $100 price tag. Money well spen... 
System to take on the road
Issabre, I live on the road with medical contracts taking me all over the country. I've had several combinations and found two that worked best. Had a Linn Classik with modified NHT SuperZeros and now with an NAD L 40 with the same speakers. Lovan... 
Better Quality CD's
Skiidman, seems nobody has really approached the difference in CD reproduction which is the quality of mastering or remastering. Most pop groups couldn't care less about soundstage, imaging, full range and dynamics. The better quality CDs mention ... 
Audio Terms
Craig did a very nice job with the terminology. I take issue with only one and that is bloom. I always associate that with tube gear and it refers to an over warm sound which tubes, somewhat unregulated, will create. 
Recommend good satellite speakers?
You can still find used LS 3/5As for around $700 or the new Spendor for $1000 and both are small, deliver well detailed sound and won't boom. Good luck. 
why is belt drive better than direct drive?
Tough one. A friend and I years ago owned high end Denon tables with separate arms and high end cartridges. We thought we had it figured out until taking home a lowly NAD $250 belt drive. We laughed about its flimsy construction and cheap plastic....