

Responses from cerrot

Can't get ipad to control Tidal on Mini
I control Tidal with my ipad using iPENG.    
Any actual use of Pono Player through balanced connection into home stereo?
I have a Pono (love it) and use it in balanced mode (surf cables) into my headphones.  I want to hook the pono up to my Cayin intergrated at work, which only has rca inputs (not balanced).  Cardas has a cable for the pono that has XLR out, which d... 
Upsampling - but seriously folks
I have an esoteric upsampler and I use it for tidal, into my dac,  and it's pretty sweet.  It's the G25U 
Anyone love TIDAL lossless streaming like I do?
If you are having buffering issues, you don't have the throughput.  You say you have 'decent' speeds.  Decent is fine for spotify and MP3s but if you want to dance with Tidal, you need 'fast' not 'decent'.  Tidal is the real deal. All else pale. I... 
Symposium Ulta Shelf under floor standing speakers - Any Thoughts ?
I saw Peter's (owner of symposium) demo at the NY audio show back in 2003 and was very impressed.  (he hit a crowbar against a rod of metal and it rang like a telephone.  He hit the same rod with the same crowbar, but the rod was resting on a Fat ... 
Music Lovers Speaker vs. Audiophile Speaker
If you are an audiophile and not a music lover, you should shoot yourself because you will just waste a ton of money.   
Very interested Baetis Audio conversation with John Mingo on the fence
Very interested Baetis Audio conversation with John Mingo on the fence
How find you get spdif out of your computer?   
CD transports or players
I got an April Stella for $750 for a 2nd system and am very happy with it.   
Very interested Baetis Audio conversation with John Mingo on the fence
Have you tried spdif on your computer and compared it to your usb?   I have on mine. It is a large difference.  A good sound card costs $150.   
New Reel to Reel machines!
French-fries, you have some great tape gear there.  I would never buy a 15 ips tape off of ebay (ebay is not audogon).  My experience with Tape Project has been excellent.  The reels are the best I own, the boxes first rate and I do have the photo... 
Very interested Baetis Audio conversation with John Mingo on the fence
(you will actually have posts that say they make usb sound bad on purpose so you buy into the supremacy of spdif/aes/ebu).  This is utter nonsense.  The only thing that blows my mind are the engineers who still build around usb.    
Very interested Baetis Audio conversation with John Mingo on the fence
I have been saying for years that USB is the poorest interface to use for music.  It was designed for peripherals (mice and keyboard and printers), not music.  The PC manufactures want you to use usb as every time a user opens up a computer, it ge... 
Speakers for Rock - up to 1kusd
I have the 685s in a smaller living room system, hooked up to a Berkeley DAC and Innersound amp; preampless and it sounds pretty sweet. The punch WAY above their weight class.  GREAT pair of speakers for that amount of money.  I am probably going ... 
New Reel to Reel machines!
To my little ears, nothing sounds better than 15 ips tape.  There is a nice amount of contents available, albeit not cheap.   If you have not heard a really good tape on a properly set up machine, you should.