

Responses from cfarrow

Experience purchasing a used high-end cartridge
I have bought and sold many used cartridges over the years. I agree with one of the poster that talked about getting it inspected.  I personally have never done that and have knock on wood not been screwed out of my funds.  Good luck with you cart... 
Recommend an MC cartridge
If your looking at My Sonic Labs you should also be looking at Airtight and Haniwa as they have the same designer…  
Discrete R2r With Tube Output
The Wells Audio Cypher Dac is fantastic and uses the latest Sabre pro dac chips. good luck on your search.  
How Soon Do You Realize You Don't Like a Piece of Gear?
I went through the same experience with a Grail and ended up going back to Tubes with a Herron and it was shocking how much better I liked the Herron over the Grail so I understand your point.  Good luck on your decision.    
Schroder Tonearms - where do I purchase? are there authorized sellers in US?
@mijostyn I have a 22 C4S coupe, the photo is from my Taycan after a rain.  
Schroder Tonearms - where do I purchase? are there authorized sellers in US?
Nigel at Sonare Coeli has a long relationship with Frank, he has a website with contact info so reach out to him. Good Luck  
Herron HL-1 Preamplifier, Solid State; Herron still in business? Thoughts about sound?
So, to answer your question about the HL-1.  Buy it! Keith make’s fantastic gear and I have heard the HL-1 and it sounds great.  Call the number from Herron’s website and leave a message and he will most likely get back in touch with you.  His SS ... 
Rogue Audio hard to resell, has it fallen out of favor ?
Lighten up Francis! No one is curing cancer here.    
Recommendation Tube Integrated
“At this juncture (nearly 2024) what are folks' best recommendagtion for a tube integrated amp.  Constraints would be $10K (preferrably $5K or less), at least 35 watts per channel.  New or used.  Goal would be smooth, creamy sound.  My current sys... 
Table,cartridge,phono...where to put most of my money?
The only advice you received that made any sense to your post was the Technics 1200G.  $3k for a used one is the right money, find a Herron MC phono stage (early model)1500ish and that leaves you $1500 for a cartridge and with that find a Audio Te... 
Does it bother you when you see inflated MSRP’s for used gear on AG?
Who gives a Sh**, to each their own…too many Web police officers a detectives on the forums calling people out.  Just don’t buy the item if it’s listed wrong or priced wrong, a good buy is the perception of the one paying for it with his/her money... 
Yes, another audiophile at a crossroads story and request for advice
I am going to throw this out there, it seems like your system is solid for what you are using it for. Have you thought about replacing your current speakers and opting for a NOS set of tubes in your Integrated and dac? I have been back and forth w... 
Antipodes from the Antipodes
I have owned several of the Antipodes streamers and they are fantastic!  S30 and the matching S60 power supply was my last Antipodes before I changed out to 432EVO Aeon.  
Jim Jordan of Vaughn Loudspeakers passed away
I received the text as well. I had sent him a text not knowing he had passed to check on him and heard from her as well, he was a fantastic human being and will be missed. RIP Jim…  
Technics 1200 MK3D
I have owned all the Technics over the years, Audiophile table? I am asking as its not what most folks on here would consider audiophile. It’s very good to a certain price point as it maintains speed, better suited for MM or medium compliance MC c...