Responses from cfarrow
The Audio Science Review (ASR) approach to reviewing wines. I am not a fan at all of ASR, I posted some push back when a lot of the reviewers/users knock higher priced gear by saying a $250 dac is “State of the Art” and better based on it’s measurements, I was subsequently band from the site… | |
R2R next? Don't like ESS Go find an Audio Note dac or SW1X dac and you will be set. Good Luck Don | |
Your journey with lower-watt tube amps -- Can a kit be good enough? I have plenty of dynamics, no roll off at frequency extremes with my Tron 211 amplifier used with my Mhorn speakers rated at 93db. I easily get sound in the 90db+ in my 15x18 listening area. It’s all about speaker matching and how well the amplif... | |
Linear power supply for Weiss DAC 204 I had the 204 and it is definitely better with the upgraded power supply, I used the S-Booster with mine. Good luck, Merry Christmas… | |
Starting my showroom again I have a good friend of mine that’s had a in house retail business and online as well. He switched from higher priced gear to lower mid-fi gear and has not seen any pickup from making the change. He made an attempt to sell unique lower priced tu... | |
A list of efficient speakers at ~$5K a pair. These open ended questions will get you the answers you are receiving. What are you using to drive your speakers? I run 93db MHorn Mummy’s with a 12w Tron 211 amp and 17w Miyajima OTL’s in my room which is about the same size as yours and have ple... | |
Test tones through Qobuz, is this possible? Type in Setup and some tracks will show up with test tones in Qobuz. Good Luck | |
Is all the hype warranted I used the lower powered amps from them and thought they were average at best, not a lot of $$$ so don’t expect world class sound. I much prefer the traditional SET tubes like 2a3,45 or 300b to theirs. | |
Audible Illusions Modulus 3A troubles Return it… | |
Music server recommendations needed. I had a Roon server and replaced it with the Esoteric N-05 and that’s what started my Streamer merry go round. I will keep my Evo432 Aeon Mk iii until I find something more than marginally better. | |
Music server recommendations needed. I don’t know the Audiotroy person but I do know he has taken a lot of abuse on these forums. I have a 432Evo Aeon Mkiii and it is an exceptional streamer/Roon Core. I have owned the Inuous Zentih, Antipodes S30/S60, Sonare Signature Rendu, Esote... | |
Need to purchase a separate ground cable - from my TT to my Phono Preamp If you don’t want to make one Audioquest makes a inexpensive ground cable that you can buy off Amazon… | |
Battle of the Older DAC ASR reviews are useless. I have a audiophile friend in town that swears by it, as one of the posters above stated they mostly review lower priced gear which there is absolutely nothing wrong other than stating its state of the art due to measurem... | |
Thoughts on Cardas RCA Caps Been there done that and zero benefits other fancy covers for your unused RCA’s | |
$8k for speakers - new or used Revels! Great match with the ML amp you have. I ran the 328be speakers and they were all I needed when I had my Levinson system. Good Luck on your search… |