
Discussions chazzbo has started

Best super teeters to add to pair of horn speakers142198
How to horizontally bi-amp Maggies45204
Anybody compared Wally's PS GCPH mod to stock?58175
Best $500-$1500 DAC for mid 90's Proceed?????36060
What's best low cost 845?2066214
What's output of 4BST convereted to mono?12173
Best cables for Brsyton and maggie 3.6??????24261
Anybody tried the PS Audio Gain Cell power supply?12470
Anybody heard of CEC I think of Austilia?34824
Why is my amp requiring as much volume gain?37829
Can Audio Physics be run on low power tubes?893811
Gallo REfF3's-All their cracked up to be?4814572
Good sources for tubes other than Upscale1013128
Does LAST Preservative DULL sound?42268
Saw in wall with ribbon an more what was it?23692