6H30-"Super Tube" or "Stuper Tube" ??? | rwd | 4337 | 5 | |
Inherited a Linn-How can I tell what I've got????? | extremephono | 2124 | 4 | |
Who's hip to the Nottingham line of Turntables??? | kknin169f | 5694 | 8 | |
Who out there knows about Audio Research Pre's??? | lrsky | 12985 | 15 | |
What is the best Table/Arm combo for 2000 or less | c123666 | 3811 | 7 | |
What is the best used tube checker out there for | detlof | 2416 | 4 | |
Audio Research pro's-what pre-amp to choose? | rupertdacat | 3009 | 4 | |
Brute power cheap?? Adcom Vs. Rotel vs. NAD | extremephono | 10281 | 11 | |
Anybody know how to do home repair of Mag IIIA's? | jvia | 1230 | 2 | |
Chazzbo ask's "How much juice for Maggie 3.6's???" | kheart | 2857 | 6 | |
Vandersteen or REL or.......?????? Think small | cdelplato | 4125 | 11 | |
Does the VAC Avatar bonk when you drive it hard? | duddley | 3856 | 7 | |
Anybody know where to get 845 tubes????? | josearnal | 3669 | 6 | |
Anybody know dates / MSRP of PS Audio from 80/90's | sean | 2442 | 3 | |
How does the AES compare with "real" Cary?i.e 845? | snowball | 4827 | 2 | |