Responses from chelillingworth
Any high power tube integrteds that do well on roc Rogue Tempest Magnum is 60w and has a huge power supply and massive output transformer. Very dynamic with lots of kick. Not the dark murky sound of the Cary gear and much better build and sound than the VTL and VAC. If you want to rock stay away f... | |
French CD players' sound ? The Vecteur Players are very nice if you don't mind putting up with poor name recognition on reslale and spotty distrubution and support. They really are outstanding, nice integrateds to. | |
Best "Used" Audiophile speakers for 1000-1500 Audio Physic SparksMeadowlark Kestrel Hotrods | |
Movies with... Martin Logans in the Dorm room in the movie "loser" Clearaudio turntable in "Tomb Raider" | |
Musical Fidelity A300 or VTL IT 85 for Mag 1.6QR The Vtl is a 60W amp a powerhouse by any means. Consider the Creek 5350se as a musical choice with solid drive. Remember many things can cause a forward sound, the least of which being a cd playe... | |
Edited dvd's Try the Disney animated movies. They should be your speed. | |
Need advise on pre amp/amp combo with JM Lab Mini I heard thes speakers with GamuT electronics and it sounded fantastic. | |
Audio Physic's "New" Virgo---Better?? How So?? I spent the evening comparing my Virgo III's to the my Kloss table radio. Being a true point source, crossover free design the Kloss was able to throw a very beguiling sound propelling a coherent sound throughout the room. I love that little thing... | |
Audio Refinement Pre-5 or other? The Magnum upgrades are very impressive and I would tend to agree that the 66 magnum is the best value. The Rogue is an incredible value and for pure listening will be better than the AR by a margin. Try watching movies in stereo, I'll always take... | |
CD Player Modifications. Is it worth the ? Check out the LCAudio products at www.diycable.comI installed four of the AD825 opamp modules replacing the BB units in my sony 9000es. I also replaced the coupling caps with Black Gates and installed top of the line Cardas RCA's and Bybee Filters... | |
Audio Refinement Pre-5 or other? Bel Canto is coming out with the pre 6 . Six channel pre that would be comparble to most 2 channels. The pre 5 is surprisingly good, alittle different sound to the Rogue to you mean the 66 or 99 ? | |
Rega Maia / Cursa combo vs. NAD C260 / C160 combo For solid state the Creek 5350se is incredible at $1500 in th world of tubes the Rogue audio tempest is wonderful at $2195.I would definately upgrade your speakers before considering an amplifier upgrade the NAD combo you have is actually very goo... | |
Rega Maia / Cursa combo vs. NAD C260 / C160 combo The Nad be it the 260/160 combo or the very similar 370 integrated amp will give you a tremendous amount of power and an open transparent sound with superb bass control. This new NAD equipment is quite a surprise and unlike their older equipment.T... | |
Revised list: Best-of-Naxos classical catalog You'll have to add the Vaughn Williams Phantasy Quintet and Quartets by the Maggini String Quartet. Gramaphones Chamber Music album of the year. highly recommended ! | |
Best DIY interconnect design. |