
Responses from chiho

$3500 to spend on a tube preamp....ideas?
Thanks for the suggestions. I will keep my eyes out for a Shindo Aurieges. There is a VAC Standard LE for sale right now-I called VAC and they said that it is a great piece for the money (can't afford a new preamp from them at $9000+). I also appr... 
Upgrade suggestions from McCormack w/SMC mods?
Tvad,Thanks for the info. According to SMC, my ALD-1 is actually quite similar in sonics, and not far off in performance, to the VRE. Maybe I will look at demoing the pass. I will be in Reno soon, but not with my speakers (Linbrook Sigs). These ar... 
Tube amp suggestions under $3k used
Well, it isn't that I don't like the amp, but would like perhaps a bit more transparency, bit deeper soundstage, more of an in-the-room feel, deeper, tighter bass, better frequency extension, and a bit more power for complex passages would be nice... 
McIntosh C220 C2200 C2300 differences?
Nick,What were the sonic differences between the 2200 and 2300? Enough to justify $1800 for someone on a budget? Or were they very close? 
McCormack SMC Audio upgrades: how good are they?
Thanks for the responses. I had considered a nice tube amp to "change up" the sound. Something like a set of Manley snappers or Music Reference RM-200's: nice yet affordable. Speakers are Tyler Linbrook full-range. My preamp is a C-J PV5, although... 
McCormack SMC Audio upgrades: how good are they?
Nrenter,What would be the sonic difference between Gold and Platinum? Better dynamics, I assume? My speakers are nominal 4-ohm, so I could probably use the current increase with the better transformer. Do they also replace the wiring? Some of the ... 
McCormack SMC Audio upgrades: how good are they?
Thanks for the responses. Having not been able to hear other amps, I do have to say that my system sounds very good right now, but without anything to compare to, who knows how good it can sound? I don't get to listen to a ton of high-end gear, an... 
Warmish SS pre:Rowland Synergy IIi preamp/others?
Yes, I had looked at the Capri, but the mixed reviews turned me off. I did talk someone to had owned or auditioned several Rowland pieces, and thought the Capri to be way under the Synergy IIi performance-wise. Not having heard it personally nor h... 
Warmish SS pre:Rowland Synergy IIi preamp/others?
John,Thanks for the heads-up. Is the CP60 still a good unit, even though they are 10 years old at this point? I see a Coda or Threshold unit come up every once in awhile for $500 or so, and they sell in a day, so I figured there was something to i... 
Warmish SS pre:Rowland Synergy IIi preamp/others?
Okay, maybe not "warm" but not "thin". I haven't liked MF pieces in the past, for that very reason. OTOH, the McCormack seems to be an amp that isn't thin at all, but still powerful. Rowland seems to get this characterization as well, as does Classe. 
Need $1500 integrated amplification suggestions...
What about the VAC Avatar? Might be a little pricey, but a good unit? 
Preamp for McCormack DNA-125 Gold? Budget $2k
Nolitan: can you elaborate on what you liked about each of the pre's you tried with the McCormack? I see you have been through several.....Chiho 
Preamp for McCormack DNA-125 Gold? Budget $2k
What is the opinion of the Audio Horizons stuff? I see a very long thread, but nobody has mentioned them here. Also, what about the Rowland Capri? I read somewhere that they are a good mate for Tyler, but not sure how the primarily balanced preamp... 
Preamp for McCormack DNA-125 Gold? Budget $2k
Thanks for the responses so far. I am enjoying hearing the opinions. It certainly gives me a list to work with. FWIW, I am running a Tyler Acoustics full-range speaker, which I can't quite characterize how they sound (I am not really an audiophile... 
A mistake spending too much on amplification?
Interesting responses-thanks! I guess I have a bout of "upgrade-itis" and want to try something better, just to see what happens. I purchased some Signal Silver Resolution cables/IC's and it really brought the differences out between my Sixpacs an...