Responses from chmaiwald
Roger Waters Live Last Night in Glendale,AZ *Sigh* Brushing aside the mainstream media is boring the hell out of me, it‘s such a lazy manoeuvre to give weight to arguments (which it just does not). As an artist Waters can do what he wants, he can go on stage with a two hour pantomime show.... | |
Weird and funny songs @deadhead1000 There´s not one time I´m at an airport without being „worried about the baggage retrieval system they´ve got at Heathrow“. It always hits me. Ubuweb in 2003 hosted a full year of strange and funny songs (365 days project). It´s stil... | |
Suggest one obsure album we all should hear Hochzeitskapelle – If I think of love They call it „rumble jazz“. Band partially comprised of members of German alternative band The Notwist playing mostly cover versions, all acoustic (banjo, tuba, trombone, drums, violin). Extremely charming an... | |
What was the last CD you bought (Name, and year issued)? Joe Strummer 002: The Mescalero Years Joni Mitchell: The Asylum Albums Earthen Sea - Ghost Poems All 2022 issues, only the latter actually new. And worth checking out, if dubby ambient is to your taste. | |
Transients hurting my ears on hifi solid state amps If if you can narrow it down to certain frequencies an equalizer might be the easiest solution. I know it‘s frowned upon by some but compared to trying more and more amps and other gear (which you are otherwise happy with), this might be a step wo... | |
1st full tube amp Oldchen EL34 I have a slightly bigger chinese tube amp (Willsenton) running Klipsch Cornwall IVs and without having any tube amp to compare it with I find the combination very sweet. Just yesterday I played some music I hadn’t listened to in ages and again it ... | |
Schiit's solid-state 6SN7 Steve Guttenberg just reviewed the Freya+ with these. He likes it. Personally I don´t get the product. Usually people get tube amps for a reason and the reason rarely is that it should sound like a solid state. But for a reasonable price people w... | |
So I bought the Willsenton R-800i A quick update: After testing quite a few 12AX7s I must say: Believe the hype. The Telefunken (ECC83) is the best. Not by far, but overall it does its job extremely well. Second would be the Mullard (current production). At the moment I´m runnin... | |
Why Purchase A CD Player or Transport ? With streaming, artists (but a comparatively few) get paid fractions of what they get from physical sales. That alone keeps me from going into streaming. Also I find a well-mastered CD sounds well enough. It may be an unpopular opinion here but f... | |
Becoming an audiophile has been like a second... No, third childhood. „If another adult I know sees me carrying a bag of records, I’m not embarrassed to admit they’re for me.“ Do people really think buying records is weird? | |
Is it me or new audio gear is too perfect and give ear fatigue? One good thing about tube gear is that, given you’re happpy with the overall sound, you don‘t have to buy new gear but different tubes only to tweak the sound. There‘s crazy expensive tubes, of course, but if you desire those they‘re still cheaper... | |
So I bought the Willsenton R-800i A short update here: I have tested a few tubes and maybe you´d like to hear. 805 – stock replaced for Cossor Judging from how they look the stock ones seem to be rebranded PSVane Hifi 805s. After listening to the Cossors for a few weeks I now pu... | |
So I bought the Willsenton R-800i I have read a bit about it in the past and was not sure if I´m up for the task. Is there any mod you can receommend? | |
So I bought the Willsenton R-800i @2psyop Probably some would argue that „organic“ and „pure“ may be a contradiction, but I think I know what you say. And what @sns says goes for me in the same direction: Event though tube amps have their particular characteristics such as the war... | |
So I bought the Willsenton R-800i Thanks for your replies! @2psyop I have no thermometer at hand here, at least none I could use for measuring the amp´s heat. All I can say is yes, it does produce warmth or heat, but even after running for an hour you can touch the cage (above th... |