

Responses from chrisryanhorner

user poll on seperates vs integrated
russ69: thanks, i'll certainly look into Cary.  at the moment i'm running the Parasound phono into the Rogue Cronus Magum 3 integrated.  i wouldn't necessarily say i have complaints, but down the road if i'm looking to step up, i was just curious ... 
user poll on seperates vs integrated
  willywonka: thanks for the reply. regarding synergy vs flexibility, do you think there are real benefits of using an entire system from a single company, since the units were likely all designed with each other in mind, as opposed to picking a... 
user poll on seperates vs integrated
  nonoise: that technics unit you mentioned is beautiful, i'd definitely take a look at that one.   yeah echoing your statement, i hear a lot lately about how far integrated amps have come.  the thing is that the audio press essentially only pr... 
user poll on seperates vs integrated
grislybutter: that's an interesting sort of rule of thumb, do you recall who gave you the advice? my budget would probably walk that line, so i guess that doesn't help that much. the obvious future plan i guess would be to build off of what i ha... 
user poll on seperates vs integrated
  vonhelmholtz: i post here when i have a question about something, not sure why not posting all the time is an issue for you. i asked the question because i'm curious to know if there's a prevailing opinion on whether, when cost is equalized, p... 
user poll on seperates vs integrated
  russ69: thanks for the reply, wondering what specifically about speaker choice would make you lean towards either separates or integrated?  for reference, i use focal kanta 3 speakers.  
Amp to drive Focal Kanta 3
Glad to see all these potential amp pairings.  I just ordered my Kanta 3s and am excited to hear them with my Rogue Cronus Magnum 3, but it's fun to get all this free intel on other pairings you all have tried, especially if I ever decide to gradu...