Responses from clearthinker
Aged components / service!? Almost none of my kit is UNDER ten years old.My Audio Research SP10 is iconic and 1983. Only re-valved.My Krell KRS200 References are from 1985. Fully rebuilt once, mostly just new capacitors.Both coming for 40 years old.I am still getting great... | |
Need help buying new speaker cable Yeah. If you like your present cables, surely a no-brainer to re-fix the termination(s) and save $$$$.For a good connection I recommend soldering, not crimping.Or, better, first solder then crimp tight. | |
eBay secretly over charged sellers eBay are cheap!!Christies, Sothebys, Bonhams and most other auction houses charge the buyer 25%+ taxes plus another 8%+ taxes to the seller. Here in Europe the taxes are typically 20% of the charges.They turn over billions. | |
Ethernet and USB cables Bits is bits as they say.Put in any old cable. Measure the error rate.It will max at about 2 or 3 per million.The other 999,998 will come through perfectly.You can't hear the two that don't.End of answer, apart from dither and clock error that ar... | |
Is bass the most important frequency band? Duuurrrrr...Obviously bass isn't the most important frequency band.If you don't believe me, try playing any music with all the bands above say 120Hz filtered out.There won't be much music. | |
Poor Customer Service When I was upgrading my phono amp couple of years ago I wanted further information about the van den Hul 'The Grail SB'. So I phoned the company. AJ himself answered the call and answered all the questions I had.I bought the piece. It is wonder... | |
Luxman 590axii ventilation Don't see ventilation holes will help if the centre channel speaker sits directly on the shelf.??Rig an open frame to support the speaker and raise it a couple of inches more. | |
Deciding if I like Class D. Question is: Is the best Class D better than the best Class A?Answer: NoRider: But Class D is a value shortcut and you may get better sound at a relatively low pricepoint.Rider2: In this world you rarely get something for nothing. | |
If I could afford, I’d purchase 100% Oswald Mills Audio gear Hi mijostynCars are not to look at, they are for driving. | |
The value of embellishment? We all miss Frank. | |
Is There a Way to Lessen Vibration On Cables From Powered Speakers Custard.Buy some long troughs and make up thick custard to put in. Add a heating element to keep the custard nice and warm. Make sure the cables are suspended so they are covered by the custard but not sitting on the bottom or sides of the troughs. | |
A turntable that plays all types of music well Turntable racks Miller? Ho ho ho.So which fuses are best for different music genres? | |
The value of embellishment? Takes me back to Joe's Garage!'With leather?' | |
3 New UBER Decks - Is this Turntable's SwanSong? 🦢 +2 audioguy85, you're damn right.No need to spend $$$$$$ on a turntable You can have perfect performance for £10,000, maybe less. All the extra dough just buys you bling and a lot of overweight metal. | |
why do so many discussions turn contentious? By removing those redundant apostrophes. |