
Responses from cleeds

Tape-in and Tape-out ports
Tape-out jacks are very useful for those who sometimes want to record LP to digital. And analog tape is enjoying a bit of a resurgence - especially reel-to-reel - so I'm not sure why you doubt that those jacks are being used. 
tape out for phono stage
Why would you take a tape out from a full-function preamp to the input of a passive preamp? 
Audiophiles are not alone
geoffkaitThe point is if the test results are negative they don’t mean anything. It simply means the results of the test are negative. It means no more or no less.Some blind testing does produce positive results. 
Audiophiles are not alone
geoffkait  is there really such a thing as a proper double blind test?Yes, I think so. But it must be properly set up and conducted. Even then, its results can at best only reflect the results of the test. Correlating those results to actual list... 
Audiophiles are not alone
geoffkaitWell, actually you can fool blind tests. Blind tests can give misleading or just plain wrong results just like any other type of test. Operator error, mistake in the system, maybe the listener has a cold ...Absolutely true. And establ... 
High mass vs Low Mass Turntables - Sound difference?
analogluvr My only beef with it is that it does not keep consistent azimuth  across the record.It doesn't? How do you know this? If you're correct, it sounds like a seriously defective design or sample. Details, please.  
Who is the WORST Audio Shop?
tom_hankinsI've had a few bad experiences in shops through the years, never went back to any of them. I think that's the best course of action, regardless of the type of shop.  
VPI Analogue Drive System
jerry95 ... I was thinking along the lines of ramping the speed up or down in tiny increments to see how it might affect individual recordings which may too "bright" or too "dull". I listen to classical music exclusively and many digital re... 
Sub-woofer connection question
mr_mYou merely place this crossover between preamp and power amp. If you have an integrated amp or receiver, you can insert them in a processor loop or tape loopIt's not a good idea to put an xover in a tape loop, if only because its level won'... 
VPI Analogue Drive System
lewm... The SDS, the Walker Audio Precision Motor Controller, and many other similar devices allow you to set the speed precisely, but they cannot correct for variations in line voltage or current or stylus drag or bearing friction ...This is... 
Mark Levinson ML7 auction
I'd walk away from  this seller. 
Audioquest Niagara 5000 or 7000
jafantIf you live far outside of a U.S. city or rural area(s), then, you will not require one.I'm not sure why you think this. There are many variables in AC power, including how well the utility maintains its system. Living in a rural area is n... 
yogiboyInstead of using the mute when silencing the output,you should just switch to another source on your preampThe mute circuit in ARC preamplifiers is also part of the component's protection system. If you don't have a properly functioning mu... 
Furutech AC Receptacles
wylmars 0... I wish I had known that BEFORE I bought the PS Audio. I spoke to a lot of people before I purchased P10 who whole-heartedly support the P10 ... hmm! ...does the P10 'wastefulness' also apply to the REF 5SE and Accuphase equipment... 
Furutech AC Receptacles
wylmars 05-12-2017 2:56pmMy comment is not a fabricated claim, but a literal interpretation of the ARC owner's manual and warranty termsMore accurately, it is a literal misinterpretation of ARC's warranty.