
Responses from cmcdaniel5

Audio Research and Acme Audio Labs fuse
Well thought it time to report back.  Tried the fuses in the pre and phono pre amps. No lightening bolts from Zoltan nor balls of fire upon start up.   On the other hand really didn’t hear any night and day improvements in the sound either.  Despi... 
Crazy to buy a 17 year old CD Player?
A long term update…the Ayre 5xeMP has proved to be a keeper.  Have no desire to upgrade though I have dipped a toe into streaming and just purchased a Lumin D2. 
Lumin D2 - Late the Table
Thanks to all who have shared their time and insights.  I have decided to move forward with the D2.  It sits right at my budget and should be a good introduction to streaming.  I’ll follow up on the extender to see if I can get WiFi to the D2.  If... 
Crazy to buy a 17 year old CD Player?
Well, it's been about 4 months with the Ayre5xeMP.  Basically happy with the sound......the ARC had been dead for so long can't make valid comparisons to it.  The only problem is having tasted of the Apple, am now wondering about streaming and the... 
copper slug
Could be wrong, but I think copper grounding rods are not solid copper, but rather copper plated steel rods. 
Yamamura m6000 speaker cable??
I also owned the cable..the 3rd wire is a ground which hooks up on the amp side of things. 
Audio Research VT130, VT100 MkII or VTM120?
I'll agree with Efner that $3000 is a bit high for a VT130....but the going price these days for a VT 130 is closer to $2000. you might even be able to pick one up for below $2000...a bargin. 
Audio Research VT130, VT100 MkII or VTM120?
I had a VT 130 and it drove my Wilson Witts very well. IMHO one of the best deals out there. As to the 130 vs 130 se....I'm not an electrical enginer, but I had inernal pics of both and compared side by side. Didn't see much of a difference. Yes t... 
VPI service problems
My experience with the customer service has left much to be desired as well. Very slow response to emails. After waiting a week and a half they finally respond, but not to my original question so I have to go through the whole ordeal again. Someth... 
Tube Power Amp Recommendations around $2000
Try ARC VT 130. An unsung hero and one of the "special" ones for those in the know. I had one for well over a decade before moving on to it bigger brother the VT 150s. Not sure it was a wise move on my part to go there..the VT 130 was that good. F... 
Upgrade question for newbie
Cables all around (interconnect, speaker, and power) 
Any comments on Transparent & Cardas phono cables
A while back I had Transparent phono cable in my system. Can't recall if it was reference or ultra. Replaced it with XLO signature and never looked back...XLO much nicer. I do have Transparent Reference as speaker and a long balanced run from pre ... 
Best Tube Preamp with Phono under $2000 ?
Try a Audio Research Sp 9 Mark II in your budget. I had one and it was very, very nice. The Audible Illusion Modulus 3 with the gold phono card is the all time classic and IMHO the one to beat in this price range. (They typically go for @1200...) 
Preamp with phono stage for under $1000
Try a Audio Research Sp 9..perhaps even Mark II in your budget. I had one and it was very, very nice. At the outer limits of your budget the Audible Illusion Modulus 3 with the gold phono card it the all time classic and IMHO the one to beat in th... 
ARC = What are the Golden Amps
Thanks for the responses. My local dealer has a pair of M300 MKII that are in the $$ ball park. His perspective is that they are close to the VT 150's. What say you?