
Responses from corelli

Tekton Double Impacts
lancelock,What are your room dimensions and where do you have your DI's placed? 
Tekton Double Impacts
Well, I started my morning with, you guessed it, Corelli.  But you've inspired me to pull out a Copeland CD.  To me, nothing paints a better American musical portrait in my mind than Copeland's "Appalachian Spring." 
Tekton Double Impacts
Wow. Lot of posts today.  You guys must have had the day off!  Good to see so much good discussion continuing.  Currently my seasons biking mileage and the thread post total are going neck and neck.  Will see who wins at first snowfall. Craig, my ... 
Need advice about upgrading speakers ( it might be the last one i own).
I own the VSA VR-33.  A very nice speaker.  My Tekton Double  Impacts are better by every measure.  And the DI's were less expensive.   
2017 Honest Cabling that doesn’t promote bankruptcy
Bulk Supra IC, speaker, and Power cables.  I enjoy making custom cables of the exact length I need which can improve sound and make for a very tidy installation.   
Need advice about upgrading speakers ( it might be the last one i own).
Check out the Tekton Double Impact thread.  All 1000+ posts.  You might really miss out by not adding this to your list 
Most Beautiful Receiver / Integrated - Ever was... ?
For the poor man, I loved the look of my old Pioneer SX-636.  Thought  it looked nicer than the competing Marantz gear of that era.  Could never warm up to that funky tuning "wheel". 
Acoustic treatment for side glass doors / please, need ideas.
Check out the Acoustimac website.  I believe I saw several products that might work for you.Are  these glass sliders or doors?  Where in the room are they relative to your speakers/listening position?   
Tekton Double Impacts
@giantsalami   Good to see my old REL's being put to good use in your imaginative system!!  Very cool use of space.  I can absolutely see how this would make for a very nice compact yet full range system. 
Tekton Double Impacts
@milpai   I have been driving my DI's with a Marantz Reference Integrated and have been extremely pleased with the sound I'm hearing.  I will listen to large scale works and everything seems so well sorted out and  precise.  The bass is killer--so... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Sorry David. I see you meant 1000 posts for this thread!Pretty good run. 
Tekton Double Impacts
Thanks David. Actually just a meager 100+ posts now.Didn't think this thread would be going so strong after 3 months.  I've really enjoyed watching this thread meander in different directions as more people enjoy their DI's (and other Tekton speak... 
Tekton Double Impacts
bullitt,I must apologize.  Did not read your post carefully enough.  You clearly are looking for an amp, not an integrated.  I must agree in your case grannyring makes a nice suggestion.   
Tekton Double Impacts
bullitt,With  your given budget I would highly suggest you consider a marantz integrated which is what  I have been using to drive my DI's.  I do not find this integrated to be cold or clinical in the least.  Coupled with one of their SACD players... 
Tekton Double Impacts
@kdude66 Kenny, I was interested in the reworking of your DI's.  In particular how you changed your woofers from the alphas to the betas.  On paper these are two different drivers.  I could see how the betas with their larger magnets might offer s...