Responses from curiousjim
The 70’s are back So I looked up inflation from 1973-2018 and the $600 I paid then is now $33xx.With manufacturing costs coming down on most (not all) things, I wonder if JBL is looking for me to fondly remember yesterday and want to relive those days.JD | |
The 70’s are back When I bought mine in ‘73-74, I paid $625 including speaker wire. Everyone thought I was nuts to pay so much! JD | |
The 70’s are back d2girls,Please let me know how you like them after you get them home for a few weeks.JD | |
The 70’s are back mapman,I had a friend who had Ohm ??? With the large Walsh driver. Man did they suck power. Sounded pretty good though.JD | |
The 70’s are back jbhiller,The Forte lll’s are great with tubes. I didn’t get into tubes until the 80’s, but by then the JBL’s were long gone.Happy listening.JD | |
The 70’s are back LoL, I had a pair. They were my first “Big” speaker. Kept them until I got my DQ-10’s. The sound was pretty good for the time, but even if you adjust for inflation $4k is quite a bit more expensive.JD | |
For those of us over 60.. Captain Beefheart, Rare Earth, Captain Beyond, Mama’s & the Papa’s, Clapton, Beatles, Stones, Pink Floyd... Can’t pick just one.JD | |
When you audition equipment, what albums do you bring? uberwaltz, I will definitely check out Catfish Rising. And you should check out I Robot. And I am slowly filling a 64 gig Sandisk with .wav files.tooblue, I forgot about Dr. John. I do have the LP. Thanks for reminding me.JD | |
When you audition equipment, what albums do you bring? uberwaltz, I have the first three in my collection, and used to have "Knave". Not quite sure what happened to it. Hmmm.Thanks for answering. JD | |
50 years on---the brilliance of The Band and their astounding debut album. Thanks for the review and histoty lession bdp24. You taught me a few things and I'm going to listen to Paul. I'm sure it's on YouTube. JD | |
So I just inherited a bunch of CD's and some are made overseas... Just found a website called Discogs. Nothing but album information. Did you know that album Court of the Crimson King was made 279 times. And Fragile by Yes, between vinyl, 8 track, cassette and CD was made 466 times! Boy do I have reading to do.JD | |
So I just inherited a bunch of CD's and some are made overseas... Spent the long weekend going through the over 900 CD's. Gonna keep about 225 and donate the rest to a local college who has yearly sale. The proceeds go to helping the blind.Thanks for putting up with my questions. JD | |
So I just inherited a bunch of CD's and some are made overseas... roberjerman, I have Disraeli Gears on vinyl. Great record! To bad it wasn't in the boxes I just got! I will have to get the CD some day.JD | |
How do you store and catalog your vinyl? Hi uberwaltz, I have a VERY simple Excel spreadsheet with album name, artist, year it came out, Genre and a box for notes. I also have a Dropbox account that I place the list. I can open it anywhere on my phone or pad so I stop buying dupes. As f... | |
So I just inherited a bunch of CD's and some are made overseas... So yes I did listen to them, and I heard no difference on my equipment. And yes some have liner notes printed in other countries. I even have one that's made in the USA, but the liner notes were printed in Canada. The King Crimson disk I mention... |