

Responses from czbbcl

What's the solid state amp to buy $2500?
There is a CODA amplifier 20 on audiogon right now and Reno Hi-Fi (http://www.renohifi.com/PassUsed/PassUsedInStock.htm) currently lists a x250 and offers a 1 year warranty both are within your budget. No Association with either seller.There is a ... 
TUBE AMP LOVERS - What SS amp makes you smile???
Agree with others concerning ss amps versus tube amps and the fact that no ss amp will sound like a tube amp. But for me Pass XA series is a wonderful alternative and without the tube maintenance issues. Although they do kick out a lot of heat bei... 
TUBE AMP LOVERS - What SS amp makes you smile???
Pass XA Series .. 
Need recommendations on phono amp upgrade
I second the Herron VTPH-2. 
Ringing new NOS tube, is it safe?
Some NOS tubes are sensitive to micro-phonics and tube dampeners can help. This does not mean the tubes are junk or defective. If you purchased them from a reputable dealer he/she will understand and should replace them. I am in agreement with Mul... 
VPI setup
I agree the spin clean is sufficient. Do not go any higher on the tracking force IMO but certainly okay to stay at the higher end of the spec. Recheck azimuth and also make sure the arm is level(ships wheel adjustment) for rake angle. You may also... 
Help choosing an amp for Thiel 2.7s
I would suggest a used PASS x250.5 at your budget.Chuck 
I just returned my second defective Manley Chinook
I have a Herron VTPH-2 and it has worked flawlessly with my Cary SLI-80F1 and now with my Pass XP-20, XA100.5 combination. I use NOS Telefunkens in it which I feel was an improvement over the stock tubes. Before purchasing it I compared to an Audi... 
Power tubes for Cary SLI-80
The KT-77's are nice as are EL-34's. I liked the GL re-issues as well. 
Focal Electra 1008 BE Speakers
I have a pair of 1007Be and have used a Cary SLI-80 in triode mode (45wpc) with them and they sounded excellent; very detailed and articulate with plenty of punch. I believe the 1008Be's have similar sensitivity and impedance characteristics to th... 
Any Herron VTPH-2 Phono Stage Owners out there?
Keith will let you try one in your system. Simply pay shipping fees to and from if you don't like it.Chuck 
Any Herron VTPH-2 Phono Stage Owners out there?
I currently have the VTPH-2 and like it very much I use NOS Telefunkens in it. I compared it to an ARC reference phono stage at the time and felt the Herron was very competitive with the ARC. Chuck 
6922's Replaced......It was time.
Hi QuincyGlad you like them. I thought they were one of the better/best current production 6922 tubes. They are not inexpensive when compared to most current production 6922 tubes but certainly more affordable than most NOS tubes.Chuck 
6922 tube selection
Hi QuincyHope things are going well for you and your family. I would go with the Gold Lions as I have had experience with both brands of tubes you mention. The Gold Lions are smoother and more detailed with better extension at both frequency extre... 
Aesthetix vs. Allnic vs. ARC ph7
I also recommend the Herron; excellent piece indeed. I use NOS Tele's in all positions and they made a significant improvement in the transparency and detail of the unit.Chuck