

Responses from daledeee1

Pure Class-A Amp under $2000 (USED)
The Sonus Faber would like power, especially if you play loud.  Most Class A amps are small 30 W or less.  I had a Schitt.  Sounded good but not enough grunt.  You need an amp with some weight, a big transformer, etc. There are several AB amps th... 
Whats playing on your system today?
The Motet Totem Thievery corporation  Temple of I & I Polyrhythmics  Caldera  
Whats playing on your system today?
Frank Zappa Apostrophe The lyrics and playing are very difficult.  Sonics are great, Very dynamic  
Time to do house cleaning.
A list of who gets your belongings, and who inherits them is a legal document.  Have you and your wife sign it.  Keep it with your will.  Otherwise, I would clean up.  Don't have to do it all at once!  
Songs of debauchery and excess
Lou Reed Herion Led Zep lemon song  
Amazon music vs Qobuz
I have had Amazon HD since it came out.  I tried Quobuz and listened to songs with both and couldn't hear any difference. 3-D imaging, accuracy, etc.  High quality sound.  Other improvements are noticable way more than any music service.   
Ditching Class A Amps due to Heat - Sort of a Poll
Pass XA25 owner.  I am inconsistent concerning leaving it on or off.  Last month my energy bill was for 300KWh.  The amp gets to 120F at most.  I like it, I won't get rid of it.                                  
Do Streamer only devices really impact sound quality?
I made the following budget minded changes to the front end after initial  setup.  I have BS Node 2i and Topping D90 with AKM chip. Took some time research and learn.  Discussions such as this are very helpful. 1.  Better power cords for Node and... 
Only two tracks to test your system, forever!
Wong question for me Peter Gabriel. SO.  Glass Animals Tangerine.  There is a percussive strike that will hurt if you turn it up like I did by mistake. Frank Zappa, many very clear and dynamic. Gong Shamal soundstage, percussion, saxophone Pi... 
Bob Carver tube amps
The redesigned Dynaco 35W amps would be worth looking into.  Vacuum Tube Audio or Will Vincent come to mind.  You will see.Dennis Had amps on ebay highly regarded.  These are all reasonable cost.  I would add a couple subs.  Then you will really s... 
Klipsch La Scala --two types?
Crites would be your one stop shop They sell all the parts. If you want the Behma then that's different. If you don't want to mess with tubes small Class A amps are an alternative. Pass, First Watt, Luxman, Sugden are all good. Or if you like th... 
Types of Audiophiles
The patient:  addicted, impulsive, let down after purchase.  
A heartfelt thank you to AudiogoN and members....
Music is one of those things that can take you away from all the other problems. A satisfying system only helps.  Thanks for the pointers and recommendations.  I learn a lot just following conversations.  
How crucial is the quality of a digital cable?
I tried to keep things under control when I started.  I found an ebay seller.  Pine Tree Audio.  He also has a web site.  Good quality low overhead company.  COAX digital cable $40.  Power cords are braided with very nice plugs.  Prices vary/  I t... 
Ethernet cables
@vonhelmholtz As an experiment, I bought a pair of DX Engineering inline RFI/EMI filters.  I was instructed to place one on each end of the Blue Jeans Cat 6 line.  $50 for the pair. I noticed an immediate openness and clarity..  It was actually e...