Responses from dan_ed
Bob Dylan's Hifi? Does his stereo play on pitch? ;-) | |
Pink Floyd Oh, Achilles. If you knew me you'd realize how far off the mark you are. :-) I'm going on 55 and my hair is STILL well below my shoulders. Get the picture? I'm wondering what the hell happened to the rest of you guys. | |
best rca cable for deep controlled bass Not sure what the speed of electrons has to do with this discussion, but don't forget that the signal can be delayed going through different components like crossover parts. This can be milliseconds of delay and we can hear delays as little as 1/4... | |
A true believer LOL! preachin' to the choir. | |
A true believer I bet you drive down the road commenting on the wheels in people's driveways. Personally, I don't know why everyone doesn't drive a pick-up truck. I'm just saying. ;-) | |
best rca cable for deep controlled bass What do you not like about what you hear now? It would help to know more about your system.Once you get down around 80Hz and below, you can run romex and it won't matter. Cables that do present a bigger bass sound often do so at the expense of ano... | |
B&W at the Indy 500 Is that why it takes at least 3 years for an indy driver to make the move to nascar? Ask Tony Stewart how long it took him to move completely. As for state of the art, why is nascar constantly adding restrictions to keep speeds down? And we're not... | |
Long XLR's: PAD Venustas versus Mogami Oh. I'm out of this discussion. | |
Pink Floyd You're not alone, Jack. I'm 55 and listen to just about every genre there is. I can easily go from PF to country swing to chick with guitar to opera and back all in one session. ;-) I like what I like and make no apologies for it. | |
B&W at the Indy 500 Uh, Indy DID have a fan base almost as big as NASCAR. THEY screwed it up themselves with that IROC crap back in the 80's. Now the have to stoop to trickery ala Ms. Patrick to get noticed. | |
Long XLR's: PAD Venustas versus Mogami Oh, sorry, didn't mean to predict. I meant to say "sounded slower and less defined" | |
Long XLR's: PAD Venustas versus Mogami I can tell you from my experience in my system the PAD will sound slower and the bass will be less defined than the Mogami. ME, YMMV, etc. | |
Pink Floyd Hum, after my comment I see a few holes in my library. :-) | |
Pink Floyd Listen to any Floyd prior to DSOTM and tell me they weren't stoners in the studio. | |
Do you ever doubt you ears ? I don't doubt my ears, but my brain seems to interpret things in very funny ways at times. Folks in this hobby who have SOs who also listen have a big advantage on those of us who suffer our systems alone. |