
Responses from dancub

Its not vinyl
Own 2 TTs and 3000+ records. Adore my digital server w/ Qobuz.  Analog - for the lovely sound & fun at garage sales, Goodwills & record stores. Digital - for "new to me" music exploration Update: own 2 systems in same room, one SS based... 
What are/were the best sounding cheap components you have ever had?
Rega Planar 2 - $19.00 - Goodwill in Los Gatos AR XA - $39.00 - Yard Sell in Exeter Bryston 3B SST - $1000 - Radio station going out of biz - Cape Cod Klipsch 600M - $200 - Seller's GF beat with chain - eBag Thiel .5 - $60 - Some guy on CL - Bosto... 
what’s a song cover that you think is better than the original?
Aretha Franklin - (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction  Holly Cole - Jersey Girl Willie Nelson - Stardust Judy Collins - Suzanne Mel Torme - Take the A Train Peggy Lee - Fever Lambert, Hendricks & Ross - Twisted, Caravan  
Your method for discovering great music.
Sure. It's a shorthand I use to describe movement somewhere on the web. This is based on using the free Bluesound app BlueOS, which I forgot to mention (sorry!). I'm betting there's Tidal or Spotify or Amazon have similar functionality. 1) It mea... 
Your method for discovering great music.
Used to buy random albums at Goodwill but with streaming, the 3000 or so vinyls I have are sitting fallow.  Now it's"   Radio Paradise => Qobuz => "Go to Artist" => "Similar Artists" and you're off on an adventure.    BTW, when I find s... 
Kef LS50s - great like me but need to come up for air
Replaced my KEF LS50s (only happy at louder end of things) with a pair of LRSs and a set of Klipsch RP-600M.  Both were refreshingly different and fun.  The Maggies need power (Bryston 4B SST) but the RP-600M is happy with a 2W Decware.  Now have ... 
Best Way To Maximize Preamp Tube Life?
Speaking of testers, can someone recommend a simple, cheap unit that I can use at home?  Just recently got several tube units (Schiit pre, Decware amp) and have a bunch of tubes from prior systems. 
BlueSound Stinks(!), anyone?
Node 2i here. Had a problem after one of their updates with my PC's app.  Sent them a help request. Their service responses were ASTOUNDINGLY GOOD.  I know, all caps but it really was as good as it gets.  Stayed with me until we found a workaround... 
Reliability of brand
Had a Bryston B60. Lightning strike killed everything in the room. Sent to Bryston repair center. Forgot to mention the strike (dumb) so they called me and asked what happened. I told them straight away.They said and I quote: "We don’t usually war... 
What has been your costliest mistake in this hobby?
Choosing gear based on reviews and not my ears.  :8( 
What do/did you do for a living?
Fine Art Photographer & Faux Audiophile with Compulsive Gear Lust Syndrome. Industry Captain / Forensic Verminologist (Retired) / Neerdowell 
Any Love For Bryston Here?
Have a 4B ST singing in my listening room now. It's maybe 10/15 years old? Bought it used and one of it's lights was didn't match the other. Bryston fixed it under warranty, no problem.Had a 3B-ST before that. Lightning strike took it out.  Brysto... 
Sub to complement KEF LS50s: SVS vs. Rythmik
nobel100Wow, thank you for the input. Your last point is one I've wondered about over the two years I've had the SVS...positioning. I recently read...who knows where...that in spite of traditional wisdom (i.e. you can't tell where those frequencie... 
Sub to complement KEF LS50s: SVS vs. Rythmik
Great info! So i have the LS50s in a small room (12x14) with a single SVS SB-1000 with an all solid state front in (Mytek + Bryston) except for my vinyl and feel like it integrates nicely.  One of the original pluses of SVS for me was their tuning... 
Looking for great jazz guitar recordings - any recommendations?
MJQ always paid attention to their sound.  Dedicated to Connie comes to mind.