
Discussions darrylhifi has started

one 6 channel input, 2 seperate DVDA SACD players21503
Best Cd player 1000.00 range used as transport ?563313
Busted Phillips Screws487718
Any inexpensive quality XLR cables?426010
Are Nordost really the Rolls Royce of cables?1718937
Is it worth it to buy the Cable Cooker?962633
Tube Cd players, Gains and Losses.?25713
Here's a fun cable question...............36729
Does your system sound better in the winter?471914
Which Acoustic Zen spkr cables for Legacy Sig III29427
Acoustic Zen speaker Cables ..In general839812
Using Power Conditioner to power on/off bad idea?29544
Torn between JPS and Black Mamba for cd player41515
What Toslink is better than Radio Shack?30535
Shield Amp from preamp? suggestions?29176