

Responses from davehrab

Audible Buzz from Lexicon: dimmers & microwave?
The massive toroidal transformer in your Lexicon amp is most likely being effected/rattled by DC Offset ... the DC offset is being created by all the switching power supplies in your household appliance's and anything that has a remote control inc... 
Current Inexpensive sub that can get it done cheap
Be cautious when buying inexpensive subs as they tend to produce more distortion and the distorted 1st and 2nd order harmonics can compromise midrange sound quality If your main speakers are ported look for a ported sub, if your mains are sealed l... 
Ess Sabre Dacs
Charles thanks for the kind words ... I've also enjoyed good success with Buffering the output of SS players that use chip Op amps with an inexpensive outboard SS BufferThese are 1 to 1 gain amps that maintain voltage while increasing amps ... I t... 
Ess Sabre Dacs
The Saber dac has become popular with many Mfgers most likely because of it's ease and wide range of applications ... It's easier to implement in a wider variety of application ... sort of like the Swiss Army knife of Dacs What's just as important... 
Audio quality: Cable vs. Satellite?
Dan .... The switching power supplies from your TV and cable box are creating a lot of RF and DC offset which is carried from one component to the next via the cabling You may be able to limit or block some of this accumulated noise before enterin... 
You're selling that? But you just got it
RW ... that's only half the story My wife reminded me it was our 32 wedding anniversary and demanded something that was shinny and would go from 0 to 150 in 4 secondsSo I bought her a bathroom scale and that's how I found out how the mood ring worked 
You're selling that? But you just got it
"The wives and girlfriends just do not understand this unless you explain it to them. It also helps if you explain how you buy and sell used equipment with minimal financial loss." The easist way to impress a women is to tell her "how much you sa... 
Silver Power Cord Terminations?
Stealth offers power cord terminations with silver contacts in Carbon fiber ... Titanium ... and Poly housing Looks expensive ... may cost you your next born male ...Here's link Stealth Terminations 
Will there be any 'Arrow' mark in a Fuse holder?
Your components power supply fuse that is between the wall socket and your component's power supply conducts current in both direction during 1 cycle, because we are using alternating current The current will flow from the wall through the fuse to... 
cdp acting funny
You may have a simple fix .... I'll bet the lubricant on the rails that the laser sled rides on, has dried up, and is causing the laser sled to bind instead of moving freely along it's pathway.When the laser binds and/or stops momentarily ... it l... 
suggestions for warm cd player
I know what your problem is with the glare ... what causes it ... how to remedy it ... and can recommend SS CD players that this is not a problem withThe problem is very real and a bit complex ... but I'm sure I can explain it to you and offer alt... 
Upgraded power cables- Who's on First?
Blue... >>>"So we don't have to be psychics tell us what pcs you have and a bit more of your audio affair."<<<Starting at the wall HD explosion proof aluminum receptacles box that weighs about 6 pounds ... the aluminum protects t... 
Isolation of stacked components
Transformer Flux leakage and Vibrations migrating from the upper component to the lower component are probably your two worst enemiesDepending on the type of transformers used in the components will determine how much and how critical the Flux fie... 
Upgraded power cables- Who's on First?
>>>"If you have 2 upgraded power cables to use where is the the best place to use them?"<<< You may want to look at this from a different perspective ... most power cords are built in various configurations and designed for speci... 
Soffit construction, worthwhile?
When the sound pressure from your speakers hits a wall not only does it reflect back into the room, but a certain portion of the energy travels along the wall's surfaces ... this is referred to as laminar flow When the pressure wave from the lami...