

Discussions daveyf has started

Holst the planets on Lim CD...thoughts and impressions9811
Yamaha RX-V4..any experience?30094
Tracking error or ??489959
Sinatra Sing and Dance with Frank Sinatra on Impex vinyl16987
Your tube preamp and ss amp thread728367
You pay for it and you get it...373536
A question of loading...569254
Interesting development317541
Sonus Faber owners--string grill cover alternatives36686
Graceline cable from Black Cat cables762412
The Sonus Faber Maxima Amator...worth a look.76357
Is this the solution to LP static issues?? Seems to be!814563
Is this possible?14538
Are there any tube amps that don't give off any---13871106
The Linn Karousel bearing.1350520