
Responses from dbb

Problems with the IFI Zen Stream.. What's a better Alternative?
@j_andrews  I'll look into the Innuos PulseMini. I already have a high quality DAC so I would like to avoid paying for something I don't need. Still, sometimes you have to pay more to get what you need. Thanks for your input.  
Problems with the IFI Zen Stream.. What's a better Alternative?
Thanks to all for the suggestions of alternatives. I would welcome more suggestions to research. I’m also curious about the ultrarendu. I appreciate the thoughts from those of you who suggest or imply that finding other solutions to preventing th... 
Problems with the IFI Zen Stream.. What's a better Alternative?
"What convinced you that it’s not the ISP quality?" Too big a coincidence that it happened twice under two different ISPs. Also called technical support and no indication of drop offs.  
Kef and McIntosh
I use a McIntosh mc402 with  Kef Reference 1s. I feel the two work well together with the Mac's applying needed smoothness to the Kef metal drivers.   
Review: Holo May (L2) DAC and the Musetec Audio (LKS Audio) MH-DA005 DAC Compaired
@stuartk Your welcome.  It was a fun project and gratifying to get so many positive responses. I don't think I'm likely to do another soon given the expense involved in acquiring equipment for review.   
Review: Holo May (L2) DAC and the Musetec Audio (LKS Audio) MH-DA005 DAC Compaired
@sagur80 Thank you for your kind words on my review. For the record, it was posted before the Audioscience review and therefore couldn't be a rebuttal.  As @melm has said volumes have been written on this dac. I suggest, if you have the stamina, ... 
Record Stores NYC
I think this is the one you want for classical.  I lived on the upper West Side for 40 years. This was the best. Westsider Records, 233 West 72nd Street. Check out their website.   
un-becoming an audiophile
I think the solution for you may be to go to live concerts. Your brain will focus on enjoying music, not sound. I find it hard not to listen to the music in a live concert. In my opinion, many audiophiles do not enjoy music and are shallow in thei... 
What speakers have you mistakenly let go and then later repurchased?
Green Mountain Audio Chromas. I liked them but thought they lacked sparkle. Replaced them with B&W 704 s2's and then bought Legacy Audio Signatures. I listed the Chromas for sale, but no takers. After a few years of owning the Legacies I compa... 
Looking for a McIntosh amp that gives a great example of the “McIntosh Sound”
I recommend the Mc152 which I’ve owned for about 8 years. It definitely has the McIntosh house sound: smooth, good sound stage depth and width, nice imaging, a touch of warmth and always listenable even with a mediocre recording. It sounds very mu... 
Topping Pre90 Switching op amps?
Thanks for the update. I found myself consistently preferring the way more expensive Hegel p20 and p30 so the pre90 will eventually go up for sale.  
Amazon music vs Qobuz
@Robshaw I used this method until about a year and a half ago. I did find adding a separate dedicated streamer fed by ethernet via a switch and optical cable lowered the noise noticeably in my set up. I stream Qobuz via Mconnect, but have not fou... 
Amazon music vs Qobuz
@Robshaw   You said "I use a windows based computer to stream through my Meitner DAC hard wired via Ethernet cable."   Can you explain in more detail? I assume the ethernet cable goes from your router to your dac which contains a streamer. Can... 
LTA microZOTL or Backert Labs Rhumba Extreme 1.3?
You can do the two week trial with the Microzotl. I did and found it was not a good match with my power amp.  
Preamp with selectable outputs?
I would call a pro audio store like Sweetwater and ask if they have a remote controlled out put switcher.