
Responses from dcstep

Do all Class D amps lack soundstage depth?
You guys aren't listening. He's happy with the imaging when using the NAB. It's not a speaker placement issue, it's an amp issue.Dave 
Do all Class D amps lack soundstage depth?
On his "System" description Muralman1 shows H2O Class-D monoblocks driving Apogee Scintillas. That system will certainly be revealing of any weakness in the front end.Dave 
Do all Class D amps lack soundstage depth?
He seems to be on another planet today. Direct questions don't phase him.Dave 
Do all Class D amps lack soundstage depth?
06-12-09: Muralman1 said:"Tan43 and Nick778 are right. I have found, with my gear, almost all cables sound bad, as well as almost all CD players. This is a fact. I have not heard the amps named here, but I think I can assume my findings would appl... 
Do all Class D amps lack soundstage depth?
I've listened to all the current Jeff Rowland Design Group amps and none of them have this issue. Given the right material, my Continuum 500 will throw and image that'll expand to 180-degree to the outsides and front of the speakers and deep beyon... 
Is too much power in an amp really a problem?
Bill, my first post in this thread answers your question.Dave 
Should I switch from SS to tube integrated?
Well, what is the perceived problem with your Ayre. Those are great amps in general and your proposed tube amps would not be a step up. Don't get tubes just to get tube. At the very high end, the differences are small. SS has gotten very good in t... 
Is too much power in an amp really a problem?
Bill said:"Truly one of the dumbest statements you'll ever read here."Hi Bill, I'm glad to see that you crawled back out of your hole. One day you'll remember how to contribute something positive to a discussion. Right now you seem focused on tryi... 
Wadia 170i/DAC combo with AudioEngine speakers
To get the most out of the Wadia you need an exceptional external DAC. Using the Wadia just as a dock IS indeed overkill and you'll be as happy with a Cambridge or something like that.I've got the Audioengine speakers and the Wadia, but use the Wa... 
Is too much power in an amp really a problem?
I've heard the JRDG Capri/102 driving speakers with "only" 92 dB sensitivity and there was some trouble with too much bloom in the bass. That went away when we upped the power to 500 watts. With 108dB sensitivity I would imagine this combination t... 
Is too much power in an amp really a problem?
Blindjim said:"...ICE AMPS and their similarities & relationships with real world speakers, mainly in the moderate to high eff arena... 91-93db or greater.Can a 'lots o watts ICE amp make beautiful music with reasonably high eff loudspeakers?o... 
Is too much power in an amp really a problem?
Raquel seems to question Guido's motives, yet he has purchased the very same equipment. Is that an endorsement of Guido or of Ill-Will-Bill??I suspect, like me, Guido likes his Rowland/VA equipment very much. He also wrote about it. Like the rest ... 
Is too much power in an amp really a problem?
Jim, I think that positive impact of more power is very dependent on the speakers' efficiency and response to damping and power. The first watts loses no importance, but the extra watts are not going to make much difference except with medium and ... 
Vienna: Concert Grand vs Baby Grand vs Original?
I've only heard the two newer versions and both are very musical. I one the Baby Grands. When I heard the Concert Grands they had not been properly set up and were not fully broken in, which probably is what led me to the Baby Grands.You know the ... 
Is too much power in an amp really a problem?
Blindjim seemed to be exploring an interesting question and Guido, mentioning several brands other than Rowland, joined in talking, on point, about the issue. Next thing we know, Ill-Will-Bill-Feil comes along to slam Guido and me in one fell swoo...