Responses from dievoyager
Audio Research PH-3 "PHONO" Try John Hillig at Musical Concepts, Ph # 646-447-0040 | |
Vinyl or wait for the new stuff?? Vinyl has the ability to suck you into a performance in a way that digital can only roughly immitate. Because many of the best ever made records were made years ago. The wait to experience them seems very unwise. I am very fortunate and have many ... | |
Favorite composer @ favorite work? IF you like Bruckner and don't mind old mono sound try getting the Furtwangler versions on DGG and EMI. I feel they represent some form of reference. Newer stereo sound greatness can be found with Eugene Jochum on DGG and EMI. I feel the above con... | |
Cheap Powercords...worth the effort??? Filter what? And how? | |
Cheap Powercords...worth the effort??? Why is the last 6 feet that connects equipment to the mains so important? What about the cheap romex house wiring that feeds the recepticles? What about questionable grounding and the quality of the recepticles and the type of breakers used in the... | |
Why are NOS tubes considered superior? Some NOS are better, some are not. Know what you are buying. Many current manufactured tubes are the best ever. Sometimes mid-range bloom can be achieved with NOS tubes because of inherent problems with equipment and equipment matching. Just becau... | |
Musical Design - D150B & SP2B Opinions Sorry John for my slow response. I have both units and am extremely satisfied. I feel that they will perform at a level of performance far exceeding their price points. They have been very reliable and sound great day after day. Best kept secret i... | |
Hospital Grade Wall Outlets Commercial grade duplex outlets have the same contacts and construction as do hospital grade and can be had for around $3.40. Try Home Depot. | |
dedicated ground With the use of isolation transformers dedicated grounds can both stay to code and be very effective. Seek professional guidance. | |
Best CD Player, new or used between $1-2K A Musical Design modified Pioneer 414, 525, or 333 DVD is very good. I would compare it with all others mentioned. They start at $995. Good luck. | |
Sony SCD-777ES as a transport Try the Pioneer 414 or 525 as a transport instead. I think you will hear an improvement. | |
ARC PH3 First off I would advise you to listen to other phono preamps. Preferably units with little or no feedback. I have had two PH-3's and became very tired listening to them both. My current phone preamp is a modified Counterpoint SA-9. It's a whole n... |