
Responses from dover

Screw-down reflex clamps vs. record weights
Peterayer - my Final Audio has a 4.8kg copper mat with an indent for the record label. With the VDS-17 1.8kg gunmetal weight and washer, it is crisp, articulate and very detailed. I tried a 300/400gm weight instead ( with the washer ) and the soun... 
Screw-down reflex clamps vs. record weights
Pryso - or up from the bottom for screw adjustment 
Screw-down reflex clamps vs. record weights
Pryso - For my Final Audio VDS weight I just made some hard plastic washers of varying thickness and then tested to find the optimum. The Sota Reflex also is adjustable from memory, if you look down from the top there is a screw inside for adjusti... 
Best Phono Cable for Ortofon MC Anna
Most people select cables as bandaids for their system. For example my system's a bit dull so I pick bright cables, or my systems a bit bright so I'll use dull cables.The best story I've heard was from an Absolute Sound staffer many years ago who ... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
I use to do a bit of sound set up at live concerts when I was a student. One of the most common problems in trying to get a balanced sound was the muso's themselves, individuals in a band would typically want their individual instrument amped up a... 
Eminent Technology ET-2 Tonearm Owners
Hi Slaw - here are a few suggestions for you to consider - Wiring loom - I would untwist the wire between the arm and plinth to reduce resistance. I would also place the anchor point for the cable on the plinth at the midway point of travel, not t... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
In_shore - let me guess, you used the back arrow on a Mac ?? 
Screw-down reflex clamps vs. record weights
Some of the comments above demonstrate a complete lack of understanding of clamps/weights. You have to look at the total picture, in particular what is under the record.Example Record weights do little to bond the record to the platter, so they pr... 
What are your favorite phono cartridges?
The standouts for me -Decca London Maroon MI rebuilt by Garrot Bros with Microscanner stylusIkeda 9 MCKoetsu Onyx Gold MC rebuilt by AJ Van den hul Van den Hul EMT Boron MCCurrently in rotation -Dynavector Nova 13DFidelity Research FR1MK3FAlso own... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Nandric - thats very sad on the Shiraz. The original Van den hul modded EMT is still in my mind one of the great cartridges for reproduction of the speed and weight of a full orchestra. The Shiraz would have been very interesting. Why dont you che... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
OK I refrained from answering yesterday but here goes my 2 cents -Curently own Meridian 508.24 - the only CD player I've ever owned.Players listened to in system - EMM Labs XDS1 - massive deep soundstage, very smooth, reasonably detailed, very nic... 
Graham IC70 v. Furutech Silver Arrow
Tobes Your comparison of phono cables between the step up transformer and the phono stage is irrelevant because the signal coming off a moving coil cartridge is current not voltage. Your step up transformer converts the signal from the MC from hig... 
Mc Anna , Lyra Titan or DynaVector XV 1s
If it were my system, I'd start by replacing the Cardas GR ( cardboard colourations in the upper mids ) & Transparent speaker cable ( hifi sounding, not natural ) with MIT Oracle right through, which optimises timing, coherence and harmonic st... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Nandric -if I was looking for criticism, yes I would say the bass is slightly "fat", but it is quick and without loss of information. The female vocal roughness, cant hear that. Thucan - how do these vintage arms work without antiskate ? 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Lewm, just to clarify my comments on the FR64 - "highs go on forever" - I dont mean extended or highlighted. I am talking about the natural decay of each note. I'm sure others will have their own views, but if I was to try and describe a "resonanc...